S.C. Energy Bill Right Move for the Future

As Chair of Carolinas Natural Gas Coalition, a group of over 100 stakeholders in the natural gas sector and allies, I commend the South Carolina House for passing the "South Carolina Ten-Year Energy Transformation Act" (H.5118) with strong bipartisan support this week. This legislation is crucial for our state’s energy future, and I applaud the dedication and hard work of our lawmakers in crafting it.

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Greg Wilson
Opinion: Public Library Charged with Representing All Americans

It is also worth noting that the majority of current council members, who would identify themselves as conservatives, appointed members to the current library board. Four new members of that board were appointed since August of 2023. No council members have publicly suggested they made a mistake in their appointments of any of the seven board members (one chosen by each district).

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Greg Wilson
Veterans Help Chart Nation's History

And for much of our history, we have sent soldiers to foreign lands to fight. From the 4 million soldiers the U.S. sent to Europe in World War I, to the more than 16 million men and women sent to World War II to answer the call of our allies in Europe to defeat Hitler.

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Greg Wilson