Sunday, March 23, 2025
City to Consider Annexation of 22 Acres on East-West Parkway
The request by the property owner, Anderson Real Estate Attorney Williams Richard McClellion, is seeking annexation of the property of the tax map identification TMS 121-00-04-009 north of the parkway for a planned development district. Approximately eight acres is slated for multi-family development. If approved on Monday, the plan would be sent to the City of Anderson Planning Commission which could consider the annexation at their April 1 meeting.
Annual Trucks on Main Brings Smiles Downtown
Downtown closed off streets around the courthouse to allow the kids to get up close and personal with a variety of big trucks and heavy equipment, including fire trucks, law enforcement vehicles, construction equipment, agricultural machinery, as well as meet the men and women who build, protect, and serve Anderson County.
The event is a partnership between the Junior League and the City of Anderson.
Statewide Burn Ban Now in Effect
The South Carolina Forestry Commission said statewide weather conditions, including extremely low humidity and strong winds are expected throughout the state over the next few days enhancing the possibility of wildfires.
Roads, Housing Standards Top County March News
As the county works to refine and clarify development standards for new housing, including the consideration of hiring a consultant to help with this project, roads remain a top concern.
Burgess Family Foundation Invests in Williamston
Rockey said the goal is to build a foundation that will grow and still be serving the community long after he and Wendy are gone. He talked about other motivations for creating the foundation and it’s first big fundraiser in this interview with the Anderson Observer.
County Transfers 24 Plots to Aid in Affordable Housing, Help Homeless
In a move aimed at meeting the need for affordable housing while helping those who are homeless found permanent housing, Anderson County Council on Tuesday gave final approval to the donation 24 properties to non-profit groups in the county.
“This shows that council recognizes the need for more affordable housing,” said Anderson County Administrator Rusty Burns. “We also see this as a step to help provide these groups with what they need to help the homeless transition into permanent housing.”
AnMed, Urgent Care Group, Merges 2 Locations
The AnMed CareConnect location at 600 North Fant Street in Anderson has closed and relocated to 801 North Fant Street as part of the new venture, with MEDcare Urgent Care Anderson, located at 801 North Fant Street in Anderson, closing and reopening as AnMed Urgent Care. This center is located across the street from the Emergency Department at AnMed Medical Center.
Market Theatre’s “Tick, Tick, Boom” Full of Angst, Hope
The play is a thinly veiled version of the life of Jonathan Larson, who soon after this work created the rock opera “Rent,” which helped revolutionize the art form for his generation. Sadly, Larson died at 35, two weeks before “Rent” opened on Broadway, so he never lived to see the success he so desperately desired, a clear theme of “Tick, Tick, Boom.” This play was expanded after his death for the stage.
For theater lovers, this play offers a little something for everyone.
Council to Honor Emergency Management Team
Anderson County Council will honor the Anderson County Emergency Management Division for their statewide recognition as the top agency in South Carolina for 2024 as part of Tuesday’s meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the historic courthouse downtown.
MTP “Come Fly with Me” a Real Kick in the Head
“Come Fly with Me” is a tonic for troubled times and runs through Sunday. Tickets are limited, and you don’t want to miss this one.
Southwood’s Chadwick Boseman Arts Center Dedication March 28
Anderson’s most celebrated actor will be honored March 28 at 10 a.m. at the official dedication of the Chadwick Boseman Fine Arts Center at School Dist. 5’s Southwood Academy for the Arts.
The school board approved the move last March, but it has taken time to prepare for the renaming of the school’s performing arts center, which will include a special sculpture with a bust of Bosman. The bust, at the recommendation of the family, was created from a photo of Chadwick at Howard University when that school honored him by reestablishing the Chadwick A. Boseman College of Fine Arts in his honor.
Chamber Adds Three Local Board Members
The three new members are Anderson business professionals: Dwayne Bowes, Area Director of Sales Marketing at Paragon Hotels, Emily Holland, owner H3 Marketing and Andy Patrick, president of Attaway Printing. The addition of three local business professionals is part of the plan to make the board more Anderson County-centric.
Consultant Could Help County on Development Revisions
Code Wright has worked with multiple counties and towns in North and South Carolina - including Winston-Salem and Forsyth County, Mills River, Weldon in North Carolina - to overhaul and clarify development standards. Their customization of unified development ordinances and zoning codes includes simplifying the language, more graphically driven design, an intuitive document structure that is easy to understand and continuous improvement.
Love Well Ministries Brings Hope to Women in Recovery
At their current transition house in Anderson, Love Well programs include individual counseling, group therapy, life skills workshops, and recreational activities and integrate the principles of the 12-Step program
These will be expanded as they prepare to kick off a new residential treatment facility at 313 South Towers Street in Anderson in partnership with Anderson County.
S.C. GOP House Calls Freedom Caucus “A Farce”
“I’m sick and tired of this crap, coming up here and making a farce of what the state of South Carolina deserves and needs,” said House Majority Leader Davey Hiott.
Arts Center Awards Student Artists
As part of the annual Youth Art Month activities, the Anderson Arts Center hosted the student art exhibit show on Sunday. More than 400 entries from Anderson County schools and home school students were on display.
County’s Mental Health Court Finding Success
“I have watched people’s entire lives change,” said long-time Judge Cordell Maddox who presides over the mental health court. “It’s one of the best things I have been involved in.”
Child Care More Costly Than College in 38 States
The cost of child care now exceeds the price of college tuition in 38 states and the District of Columbia, according to a new analysis conducted by the Economic Policy Institute.
Community Report Outlines Library’s Importance to Community
The Anderson County Library System continues to grow, with the number of people visiting one of the library’s nine branches up almost 40 percent in 2024.
The new Community Report lists total visits to the library last year topped 400,000 and 114,499 residents of the county now have library cards (more than half the population).
Extreme Anti-DEI Bill Finds Little Support from S.C. Lawmakers
The full House Education and Public Works Committee took no vote after nearly five hours of testimony Tuesday from college students, professors, and K-12 teachers, as well as advocacy organizations representing women, LGBTQ+ people, racial minorities and South Carolinians with disabilities.
Every person who testified opposed the legislation. None of the speakers were in favor.