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Greg Wilson Greg Wilson

House Bill Would Increase Residential Electric Rates

Residential and small businesses would not only be paying more than their fair share but subsidizing the actual cost of producing and delivering electricity for some industrial customers.

The concept of all classes of customers paying electricity rates based on their utilization is completely thrown out by these proposed industrial incentive rates in H.3309.

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Greg Wilson Greg Wilson

Saluting Our Natural Gas Utility Workers

I’m proud to say that our employees’ commitment to quality customer service has not gone unnoticed by our customers – in December, Piedmont was named No. 1 in customer satisfaction with residential natural gas service in the South among large utilities for the third year in a row, according to the J.D. Power 2024 Gas Utility Residential Customer Satisfaction Study.

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Greg Wilson Greg Wilson

County Should Reject Development Moratorium

It’s not hard to imagine why so many people don’t trust their government. Our population is growing, we don’t have enough housing to meet their needs, and we have an affordable housing problem as a result. Some in our government say our schools are overcrowded, but the number of students has barely grown countywide. They have been very busy adding new regulations, but some members of Anderson County Council say they need to stop issuing permits while they plan more regulations.

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Greg Wilson Greg Wilson

S.C. Healthcare Costs A Struggle for Many

The latest statistics show South Carolina’s labor force participation rate at only 57.1% — much lower than the national rate of 62.4%. One big reason for this is the lack of child care.

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Greg Wilson Greg Wilson

S.C. Return to Firing Squad Executions Barbaric

Washington is in utter chaos, monopolizing the public’s attention, but that should not distract us from the nightmare in South Carolina.

On Friday, unless the courts or Gov. Henry McMaster intervene, South Carolina for the first time will execute a prisoner by firing squad.

The details are sickening, but South Carolinians should understand that this barbaric act is being carried out in our name.

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Greg Wilson Greg Wilson

Capping Medicaid Would Hurt S.C.

It would force the state to cut services like prescription drugs for adults or rates paid to physicians, hospitals, and nursing homes. Health care services would be reduced for vulnerable populations including older adults, people with disabilities, pregnant people, and low-income children.

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Greg Wilson Greg Wilson

S. C.“Insurance Welfare” Bill Bad for Citizens

By our count, my colleagues and I believe the Senate has the votes right now to pass this terrible legislation that benefits ONLY insurance companies and corporate defendants and is HORRIBLE for the citizens of South Carolina and their families. 

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Seth Riddley Seth Riddley

Opinion: Celebrating Brandie Noles Greer’s Leadership

In a time of crisis, she has done much more than “keep the lights on.” It has become abundantly clear: if anyone is made to lead her organization into the future, it’s Brandie. When others might be tempted to celebrate themselves, Brandie instead focuses on the job at hand.

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Greg Wilson Greg Wilson

The Wondrous Blessing of Giving Thanks

It can take effort in the holiday rush is our sense of gratitude - a gift that needs no wrapping paper, ribbon or space under the Christmas tree. Research is conclusive that those who approach life with a sense of gratitude have fewer mental and physical problems, live longer, exhibit less stress, have a stronger immune system, and even handle loss far better than those who live without the recognition that they do indeed have a lot for which to be grateful.

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Greg Wilson Greg Wilson

Support Red Cross To Help Meet Increasing Demands

With NOAA data showing that 2024 is our country’s second-highest year of billion-dollar disasters — like Hurricane Helene — many people won’t be able to spend the holidays at home. For thousands, this year’s disasters reduced their homes to rubble, leaving them to seek refuge at an emergency shelter, in temporary housing or with loved ones.

But there’s hope, thanks to volunteers and donors whose support through the American Red Cross is helping people to rebuild their lives with aid such as a safe place to stay, food, emotional support and recovery assistance.

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Greg Wilson Greg Wilson

Show Gratitude to the Helpers with Support

As we enter the holiday season and are offered a chance to reflect on gratitude for those around us who are making a difference, the Anderson Observer is highlighting a few of our neighbors whose lights shine brightly (even when no one seems to notice).

Today, let’s give thanks to the helpers in our charitable organizations, those who devote their lives to improve the lot of our neighbors, friends and family members who are in need.

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Greg Wilson Greg Wilson

Our Veterans Continue to Defend Our Rich Heritage

They join the rich history of America not best measured by our wars, but by those who fought them. Great conflicts during the first 100 years or so left our soil drenched with the blood or our own soldiers, while many lost their lives in wars at sea.

Add to this the soldiers to foreign lands to fight: from the four million soldiers the U.S. sent to Europe in World War I, to the more than 16 million men and women sent to World War II to answer the call of our allies in Europe to defeat Hitler.

Our servicemen and women made attempts to stem the fear of a rising tide of Communism in Asia in the early 1950s, sending nearly seven million to Korea and later another almost 3 million to Vietnam.

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Greg Wilson Greg Wilson

Opinion: Referendum Might be Only Hope for Roads

A “Yes” vote tomorrow is crucial to the county’s future, including economic development (companies consider road conditions when scouting locations) as well as the safety of our citizens.

A “No” vote will mean more crumbling roads, higher vehicle maintenance costs and decreased safety for all drivers in our county.

Let’s hope Anderson County voters look to the future and approve the roads referendum in November.

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Greg Wilson Greg Wilson

Some Anderson Roads Conjure Up Extra Halloween Chills

Halloween is almost here and there's few better places to celebrate the season than right here on Anderson County roads.

Yeah, the conditions of the roads are scary throughout the year, but just the names of some roads offer additional spookiosity around Halloween.

Surely there is something frightening afoot on Stephen King Drive near the lake where ghouls might produce a worthwhile chill or two. As far as I know, the author has never visited this area, but who knows? The Maine man can be sneaky.

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Greg Wilson Greg Wilson

Storm Reminder: It's Time to Bury Utility Lines

The massive power outage need not have been so severe. An obvious solution to outages, though an expensive one, would be to bury more power lines — undergrounding, it’s called — leaving fewer utility poles and power lines vulnerable to high winds and falling trees.

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Greg Wilson Greg Wilson

Democracy Day Offers Reminder to Vote

Sept. 15 is Democracy Day. We are approaching an election that people of all political persuasions agree is crucial for the future of our nation.

Sadly, many qualified citizens choose not to participate in this most basic method of influencing how we are governed.

However, there is a solution: When enough people understand that despite obstacles, our votes can be truly powerful.

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