Conference Allows Anderson to Shine on Global Stage

By Anderson Mayor Terence Roberts

The City of Anderson took its rightful place on the global stage the week of April 15-19 as members of the International Network of Michelin Cities (INMC) joined us from around the world. More than 150 people from 20 cities and 15 countries speaking eight languages spilled across the City, soaking up our hospitality and culture while studying best practices in municipalities from around the world.

Anderson was selected as the first city in the United States to host the event, which is held every two years.

As our City basks in the glow from the overwhelming success of the INMC, I offer some background on the organization and the conference.

The INMC was established in 2014 by Mayor Olivier Bianchi of the City of Clermont-Ferrand, France, with the belief that cities are places of innovation and invention uniquely positioned to meet the challenges of the future.

The INMC encourages joint reflection and experimentation among local governments, universities, and corporations. The model includes city-to-city and peer-to-peer interaction, access to global best practices, and a biennial, in-person conference. Clermont-Ferrand has the distinction of being home to the International Headquarters of Michelin, therefore cities with a Michelin presence form the core of the INMC.

I serve on the executive board of the INMC and as the Co-President along with Mayor Olivier Bianchi of Clermont-Ferrand. Beth Batson of the City of Anderson serves as the City’s Ambassador to the INMC and was the Director of the 2024 conference.

After being a part of the INMC since 2017, in 2022 the City of Anderson was invited to submit a proposal to host the 2024 event. Our proposal was reviewed and voted on by member cities and we earned the honor after prevailing in a runoff with a city in Italy.

Our City team embraced the opportunity immediately and planning for the conference began in the spring of 2022. We first had visits with key partners like Anderson University, Clemson University, Tri-County Tech, and Anderson County. They each gave us their swift and dedicated support. Members of our state delegation guided us in a process to secure funding through the Department of Commerce. This funding was a key to allow us to produce a world-class event to highlight Anderson, the Upstate, and South Carolina to an international audience. It was also evidence that the State of South Carolina saw the value of the INMC as an economic development tool and recognition of the importance of supporting cities as economic engines.

Our City staff created an INMC Planning Team to produce 15 separate events during the conference. Professionals in transportation, hotels, security, meals, entertainment, and events worked for more than 18 months to design content and logistics. We enlisted the help of H3 Marketing of Anderson to assist in branding, event production, and strategic execution. More than 50 volunteers served as hosts and guides during the week.

The theme of the Anderson conference was “Drivers of Economic Development.” International experts engaged the participants in educational experiences exploring new technologies and methodologies related to the core goals of the INMC. Mayors and administrators from around the world attended Thematic Labs on the topics of:

• Mobility for All

• Renewable Energy & Sustainability

• Start-Ups and Incubators

• Economic Equity

• Arts & Culture

• Sports & Health

Highlights of the INMC in Anderson included the opening ceremony at Anderson University, a VIP luncheon, a trip to Death Valley, and boat rides at the lake. The significance of the event and the prominence of the audience allowed us to attract top-level speakers and entertainment throughout.

We also hosted the first INMC International Start-up Competition. Tech and bio medical start-ups from 15 cities around the world give live presentations to an international jury. South Carolina’s own Kim Smith, Founder of Health Evolve Technologies was named the winner and received a $5000 prize and $5000 of marketing assistance.

Our team was also mindful to create a robust schedule of cultural events open to the public during the week including a performance by Orchestre d’Auvergne of Clermont-Ferrand, a lecture and exhibition by artist Brian Rutenberg, an International Short Film Festival presentation, and a thematic lab on Economic Equity.

Many times during the week attendees called it “the best ever!” They continued to be amazed and delighted with each event and awed by the depth of content the conference offered.

I’ve heard many wonderful stories from our citizens about their interaction with our international guests… treasured moments with new friends in other countries. One of the constant themes in our feedback has been pride in our City and in the teamwork we demonstrated across the board to make everything run with near-flawless precision.

The economic benefits are self-evident. The cultural impact will reverberate here and beyond for a long time.

This event could not have happened without the foresight of our City Council, our City Administration, and the private sector. Years of planning have brought us to a place where we have beautiful green spaces, ample hotel space, a downtown event center, and a variety of shops and restaurants affording us the amenities necessary to host an event of this magnitude.

We are grateful for everyone who helped from across the broader community. You made us look good. You made us proud.

The verdict is in…the world loves us!

Greg Wilson