Anderson County Coroner James Hayes

Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer

1. There are three main functions of the coroner’s office:

• To determine the manner and cause of death for visitors and citizens of Anderson County.

• Issue permits for cremations, burial-removal-transit and many other duties.

• Notify the next of kin to the decedent.

2. The four biggest issues currently plaguing our coroner’s office are:

• Conflicts of interest between emergency medical services and the coroner’s office. The current coroner is part owner of Medshore, which is the 911 EMS provider.

• There are multiple levels of training amongst the staff in the current coroner’s office. Some deputy coroners have class 3 basic, some have class 3 advanced and a few have neither, which includes our own coroner. Some deputy coroners have a certification in death investigation and some do not. So we have different levels. My goal is to have everybody on the same page.

• Transparency. I will keep our website up to date with all financial records, which is not currently available.

• Accountability. We currently have the coroner and deputy coroners using our county vehicles and equipment for personal use. Under my leadership this will be prohibited. This will result in savings to the taxpayer.

3. I would emphasize networking and solid communication between the coroner’s office and other agencies working a case. Cooperation is a major key between all agencies to successfully solve cases.

4. I am the best candidate because:

• I bring fresh, new ideas to the coroner’s office.

• I excel in technology and can modernize the office and move it into the future.

• My opponent wants to keep everything the same as he has for the last 28 years.

• I will emphasize community outreach programs that will encompass drug addiction and overdose, homicides, suicides, accidents and traffic fatalities. I will facilitate the creation of quality, (age appropriate) videos that will be shown in our school system and on our website addressing these issues.

• We will work with all agencies in Anderson County to collect data and records to effectively reduce the death rates in Anderson County.

• Provide transports for the deceased and not tie up emergency ambulances, which is currently the case.


Anderson/Oconee 10th Circuit Solicitor Beth Blundy


Anderson County Coroner Greg Shore