Elections 2024: Charlene Spelts, Piedmont Public Service District

Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer

Charlene Spelts is a candidate for the Fire District Commission, Piedmont Public Service District .

1. What are the three most pressing issues facing the Piedmont Public Service District (PPSD), and how do you plan to address them?

A.  Funding for upcoming project to expand the existing or build a new Fire Department on Highway 86.  I will be using my professional finance, insurance, and bonding experience to help secure and evaluate possible funding avenues through commercial lenders, grants, and government entities.

B.  Funding for upcoming project to tear off the old roof(s) and put a new roof on the Historic Piedmont Community Building.  I will use my professional preservation experience and networking to work with Greenville County to secure grants to preserve our building.

C.  Funding for additional equipment for our firefighters.  Our community is growing at a rapid pace requiring more hiring and procurement of new and updated equipment from turn out gear to vehicles.  This requires strict budgeting and working with County, State, and Federal entities to have our tax dollars come back to our area to ensure the safety and well-being of our firefighters. I have a history of working within the system to make a difference.

2. What is your understanding of the PPSD commission and how it works for the community?  

Our responsibility and authority are limited to the operations of the Piedmont Fire Department, street lights, and recreation through our facilities at the Tom Pack Park in Anderson County and the Historic Piedmont Community Building in Greenville County.

3. What would you do to ensure adequate funding and resources for fire services and your other areas of responsibility? 

Strict Budgeting and working with County, State, and Federal entities to ensure our tax dollars come back to our area. Also searching for grants and working with various County Grant Writers. 

4. What strategies do you propose to improve firefighter training and safety? 

Our Chief, Tracy Wallace, is an approved training instructor and does extensive State Accredited Training.  Our firefighters train at the “burn house” in Anderson, SC, during November.  They train at the tower at the South Greenville Fire Department. 

They also do build entrapment and extraction training underneath the gymnasium at the Piedmont Community Building. The strategy is to have the best trained firefighters in the Upstate.  By strict budgeting and securing funding through tax funding and grants we will continue to train our firefighters as well as continue to replace and upgrade their individual equipment from turn out gear to hazmat equipment.  

5. How would you engage with the community to promote the work and need of support of PPSD? 

Continue with our open commission meetings. Continue to have a presence at all community events. Continue with our public speaking and public Fire Safety programs and presentations and Community Emergency Services training.  Continue to allow our training room to be utilized for meetings by various community and civic groups. 

6. Is there a single issue prompting you to run for this position? 

Yes, in my bid for re-election as well as during my first term of office, the safety of our firefighters is my number one responsibility and priority. The rapid growth in our district is increasing our calls and the hazards increase exponentially. It is imperative that our firefighters are well trained and well protected.

7. What other community service have you been a part of in Piedmont?  

During my current term as a Piedmont Public Service District Commissioner I have challenged the citizens of Piedmont to become involved in our community and have lead by example serving as a member of Piedmont Crime Watch, Piedmont Historical Preservation Society Board of Directors as Secretary, The Bones Amies Club Christmas Parade and Bridge Decorating Committee, PERC-Piedmont Emergency Relief Center Board of Directors as Secretary, Piedmont Village Christmas Lights Committee, Piedmont Lions Club, and various other area task forces and groups. 

I attend Anderson County Council meetings and Anderson Planning Commission when agenda items reflect items in our area. I have also attended every meeting held by the Piedmont Community Alliance task force.  Currently I serve as the Vice-Chairman of the Piedmont Public Service District Commission.


Elections 2024: Jackson Lollis, Piedmont Public Service District