Observer Election 2024: Paul V. Zugg, School Dist. 5, Area 4

Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer

Paul V. Zugg is an architectural project manager with an earned degree from Greenville Technical College in architectural engineering technology. He is seeking the Anderson School Dist. 5, Area 4 Seat.

Zugg said he has attended school board meetings and has been active as a volunteer in PTA/PTO and as a booster in public schools.

His community activities include serving as a member of the school board, and as a Sunday School teacher and former Deacon at Concord Baptist Church.

Here are his answers to the Anderson Observer’s questions:
1. What is the most important responsibility of public schools? making sure the superintendent is doing their job well.  Writing and maintaining school board policies. Reviewing and managing budget spending. 
2. What are the three most important duties of a public-school board member? same as above
3. How is your combination of education and experience relevant to serving the duties identified in question one? I believe you need a diverse board.  I bring my experience and knowledge to the board during renovations, additions and new building programs. 
4. Is there a particular issue that motivates you to run for a seat on the board of education? I want what is best for our children. A safe and secure learning environment is a must. 

5. Please explain your understanding of how school board millage works and what you see as the top priorities for using this money. This is the tax rate that is set by each school district to generate property tax for second homes and businesses. It does not affect a persons primary residence. Anderson V has the lowest millage of all the five Anderson school districts 

6. Given all the issues that arise, how can the board stay focused on student achievement? The board has to be unified and stay focused on the end goal. 

7. How does a school board balance the need to provide a quality education with the need to respond to the local taxpayer burden? This is very challenging. No one likes to see their taxes increase.  The state passed act 388 in 2006 which was passed by voters to increase sales tax by .01 and do away with the school tax on your primary residence. School Taxes have not increased for the majority of the Anderson county residents since then. The tax burden has been placed on businesses and second homes which is unfortunate.  We have to make sure we are wise and frugal with the money we do get from state and make sure our schools are safe and equipped to create the best learning environment for our children 

8. What are your thoughts on the current and the proposed budget for your school district? The current budget has been approved and there was no millage increase this year. We are very proud of the superintendent for making sure this was the case this year 

9. As a board member, where would you look to make budget cuts? Anderson school district V is the second largest employer in Anderson county.  Second to Anmed. I’m not sure how you create a safe learning environment and think of cutting the budget. I don’t believe Anderson V is wastefully spending tax payers money. 

10.Are there any areas you would not consider cutting? teachers pay, school safety, class ratios, school building maintenance, building and grounds. 

11. How would you determine your budget priorities? Children’s safety and learning environment. 

12. What changes should be made on the state and local level regarding public education? It would be nice if they reversed Act 388. Anderson V has suffered because of this. 

13. Do you favor renewing the penny sales tax for schools when the current law expires? Yes, because we know the we are receiving revenue from out of town people. For example, people coming to the lake, Clemson games, concert events that are hosted in Anderson County. Anderson school districts are benefiting from out of town and out of state people visiting.  It’s no different than going to Myrtle Beach and paying their hospitality tax. 

14. How important are athletics and extra-curricular activities and should the school board support such endeavors for students? very important.  Study the data, students that are involved in athletics and extracurricular activities do better academically 

15. What is your understanding of separation of church and state when it comes to public schools in Anderson County? I do not see how this question pertains to public schools.  

16. Are you familiar with Moms for Liberty and/or Stop Moms for Liberty groups and how do you view their activities (positively/negatively and why)? I am familiar with Moms for Liberty and I believe they have had some positive influence on our schools and are getting parents more involved in their children’s education. 

17. How would you work to find common ground with other school board members and the superintendent on issues of disagreement? We Listen to the facts, discuss the issues and hopefully come to a consensus. 
18. Could you support a board decision you did not vote in favor of? Why or why not? No.  I have the right to disagree, but I understand the decisions are made by 9 members voting.  The majority makes the decision.  I don’t have to agree, but I have to respect the decision 
19. What is your opinion of current teachers in the district and what would you do as a board member to support them? We Have some of the best teachers in our district and I feel we need to pay them well enough to keep them in our district.  I know some other school districts pay more, but we need to make sure our teachers are taken care of financially as well as giving them the tools to be the best. 
20.How can a school board know if its goals are being accomplished and its policies are being implemented? The Board has goals for the superintendent and at the end of the year those goals are reviewed.  Policies are constantly being reviewed, updated and implemented with all the changes we see in our world we have to stay on top of our policies.

Greg Wilson