U.S. House District 3 Phil Healy

Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer

1. What makes you the best candidate in a crowded field running for this office? As a Christian guided by God almighty through His word and one that has a deep respect for the US Constitution, I think it is important that we obey God and obey the oath we take to the constitution as our founding fathers wrote it! I am also a small business owner that knows how to balance a budget (Congress hasn’t balanced a budget in 23 years). I am also a retired military veteran with 23 years of service and 2 combat tours in the Middle East. I have been to 32 nations around the world on various military operations. One thing I have learned through these 32 nations I traveled to and through is they each had this in common: none of these nations I passed through allow the invasion of their border like Joe Biden is allowing to America. I am the only non establishment candidate in this race that will call out the reckless policies of Joe Biden and the left and also the fraudulent election of 2020 that was stolen from President Trump. I am the only political outsider and America First candidate in this race! I will answer to no one except God and we the people! I am one of you and I will never become one of them in Washington that go up there and quickly forget about the people they are supposed to be serving! My constituent services will be 2nd to NONE! I will maintain the 2 offices Jeff has in the district and will look to try and add a 3rd one if the budget allows for it!

2. How would you evaluate the job Jeff Duncan did in this position? I believe Jeff had good intentions but over time he got too comfortable in his position and let his guard down and Washington got the best of him and his family. This is a tragic situation that happened to him and his wonderful family and I pray for his family that God will heal this emotional and painful situation over time. This could happen to anyone except for by the Grace of almighty God! We must stay grounded in God’s word to avoid the temptations the devil throws our way! I would have liked Jeff to be a little tougher, but he would never go far enough in my opinion. I personally reached out to Jeff's office on multiple occasions and the staff members were always very friendly, but they all said they will not step in to try and change the policy in each circumstance. One of the policies was the disastrous high year tenure policy in the military, which restricts Americans in the number of years they can serve their nation if they don’t achieve a certain rank. If someone wants to serve their country for 40 years as an E1-6 they should be allowed to do so if they are physically and mentally qualified for the branch they are serving in! If a congressman knows of a change that they could propose to military policy to better the lives of their constituents, then it is their duty to propose this and advocate to get it changed. I continued to send appeals to the Department of the Navy and 2 years after they forced me to retire, I am glad they finally suspended the High Year Tenure policy due to having issues keeping people in and recruiting. Hopefully they will make this a permanent change. I will advocate for this and other policies for my brothers and sisters in uniform serving that want to continue to serve their country! We must always take care of our military members and our veterans!

3. Is there anything you will do differently that you consider a more effective path to serving the Third District? Yes- I will have quarterly town halls in a different county each quarter so that each county can hear from their congressman and ask questions and be updated as to what is going on in the halls of Congress! As likely the only candidate in America that read the 1,012-page spending bill rammed through the House in March on 1 days’ notice I have also acquired the common-sense domain name- Readthebill.com and will post every bill on this site if elected. I will propose a rule change that ALL bills must be posted publicly for at least 7 days to allow all members to READ the bill and to familiarize themselves with the bill and to ask questions and to be able to share the details of the bill with their constituents, so they know what Congress is about to vote on! Accountability and FULL Transparency will be of the highest importance for me if elected!

4. What are the three most pressing issues for this district and how would you address each? 1) Inflation is at the top of my list due to the escalating prices of everything we need to buy on a day-to-day basis. This is a direct result of the weakening of our dollar due to the reckless spending in congress from these 1,000+ page omnibus spending bills! I am likely the only candidate in America that read the 1,012-page spending bill that was rammed through in 1 day after speaker Johnson pledged to allow 3 days to read. I will fight and oppose these omnibus bills every time. I will hold President Trump accountable to his 1st term pledge he made that he will not sign another omnibus bill. I will work with President Trump to get a balanced budget passed through the House for the first time in 23 years! We can’t afford to be giving away billions of dollars to Ukraine and other nations because we don’t have it. We are $34-35 TRILLION in debt, and we have a failing infrastructure, and we have runaway inflation that is a direct result of the reckless spending from these 1,000+ page omnibus bills that no one in Congress reads. 2) The out-of-control border is right up there with inflation. A nation without borders is not a nation! We are a nation based on the rule of law and right now under crooked Joe Biden there is lawlessness at the border. Millions of illegals are flooding across the border illegally and we must stop them! I will work with congress to get President Trump the funds he needs to finish the border wall and funding to adequately secure the border. I support firing Bidens 87,000 IRS agents and hiring enough border patrol agents to secure our borders! We need to stop funding Ukraine and other nations borders and prioritize our own borders! 3) Judicial Reform must be in the top 3 as well. We must restore confidence in our court system. We cannot allow activist judges to make up witch hunts like they have against President Trump! Our court system is broken, many Americans have fallen victim to our out-of-control judicial system and this must stop! We must remove these activist judges from their office and hold them accountable for violating their oath of office! A lot of times it takes years for cases to move through the system and the alleged defendant charged with an alleged crime is many times presumed guilty by the court of public opinion before he or she even gets their day in court. This is unacceptable in America where one is still innocent until the court proves him/her guilty! Example: Look at the liberal mainstream presuming President Trump guilty way before his day in court over these witch hunt and bogus political hit piece charges with Joe Biden and his DOJ all over Joes political opponent!

5. What are the three most pressing issues facing the U.S. House of Representatives moving into 2025? 1) The number one issue is UNITNG together behind a solid America First speaker that will help President Trump get his agenda through the House in order to secure the border, become energy independent again and negotiate peace deals around the world in order to Make America Great Again! 2) We must reign in reckless spending and make the tough decisions to make the cuts necessary to stop the runaway inflation by BALANCING the budget for the first time in 23 years! We can NOT continue this reckless game of spending TRILLIONS of dollars more then we bring in. Congress does not have a money problem- it is simply a spending problem and we must reign in out-of-control spending! 3) LOWER TAXES FOR AMERICANS! It is time to Reign in an out of control and bloated federal government that will work for WE THE PEOPLE instead of lobbyists and special interest groups! Get the money out of politics and make people campaign on issues! No one should be able to “buy” a seat- Your voice in Congress should not be for sale to the highest bidder! I will fight for limited government and to get the Government working for We The People to Get the Federal Government out of all of our daily lives! We are taxed enough and fed up with the failing results! I will fight to make President Trump's tax cuts permanent and hopefully deeper cuts to put more of YOUR hard-earned money back into your account!

6. What is your philosophy of working with other elected representatives, some of whom may have different viewpoints? The philosophy of an America First candidate working with other elected representatives, even those with different viewpoints, would involve building relationships with colleagues in the House and finding common ground and working together to achieve shared goals that align with the principles of putting America's interests first. This may involve compromise, open communication, and a willingness to listen to and consider different perspectives in order to effectively represent constituents and advance their agenda. Ultimately, the candidate may prioritize what they believe is best for their constituents and America as a whole while also respecting the diversity of opinions within the political landscape. I will always have my constituents’ best interest in mind!


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