Council Council Sends Roads Referendum to Voters

Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer

Anderson County Council gave unanimous and final approval on Tuesday to ask voters to support funding of county roads and bridges. The referendum will offer voters the chance to approve a one-penny sales tax for exclusive use for paving, repair and maintenance of roads and bridges. There are currently 1,534 miles of county roads and more than 150 county bridges in Anderson County, and there has never been adequate funding to take care of either.

The penny sales tax is projected to generate close to $50 million annually, which will offer a map for repairs and maintenance. Last year, Anderson County Council hired a firm to send an evaluation vehicle  to drive every mile of county roads and measure the quality of every mile. The results of that work are now being evaluated, but initial findings include 380 miles of roads which are in poor condition or already failing. The costs associated with repairing these is close to $1 million per mile.

The second question of the referendum asks voters to approve a $15 million bond issue to allow the county to immediately begin work on the years of backlog of repair projects. The bond would be repaid as funds from the sales tax are gathered.

If approved, the tax would expire in seven years. 

“The funds would be exclusively used for roads, not office staff or personnel and will be used exclusively for roads,” said Anderson County Administrator Rusty Burns.

County Councilman Jimmy Davis said the funds would be subject to an annual outside accounting agency to assure the funds are used for the purpose expressed in the referendum.

Anderson is one of four counties in South Carolina without a specific road funding mechanism.

See more information here.

Also on Tuesday night, Anderson County Council leadership will remain unchanged for 2022, as Chairman Tommy Dunn and Vice Chairman Brett Sanders were unanimously re-elected to remain in their current roles. 

Dunn has served as chairman since 2014 and Sanders began his service as vice chairman in 2020.

Council members also funded the following projects/events from their special appropriation funds: 

United Negro College Fund  $4,250

Westside Community Center $3,250

Anderson County Foster Parent Association $4,200

S.C. State Chili Cook-Off in Belton $3,000

Greg Wilson