Council Moves Ahead on FY 2024-25 Budget

Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer

Anderson County Council passed the fiscal year 2024-2025 budget in name only Tuesday night, to stay on schedule for approving a final county budget before July 1. The working budget is waiting on the state to pass its budget for final details on funding for the county.

Anderson County Administrator Rusty Burns said there is no tax increase in the budget now in the works. Council must hold second and third readings and make the budget publicly available before the final vote.

Council also gave second-reading approval to Council tax incentives for “Project Marine,” an international family-owned technology business with 1,900 jobs worldwide. The company promises to bring a $3 million investment with 66 full-time jobs with an average wage of $37.63 per hour.

Also on Tuesday:

Council approved a $497,000 bid from Hammond Construction, LLC, of Columbia, for a new playground at the Anderson Regional Airport. The funding for the project is from private donations, grants and some state funding. The goal is to make the airport a family destination.


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