Council Oks Tax Breaks to Bring 243 New Jobs

Greg Wilson/Anderson County

Anderson County approved a pair of tax incentives on Tuesday, to allow for the expansion of existing local businesses.

Neither company was named, but the first, a packaging concern, will bring a $64 million investment, and 215 news at an average pay of $23 per-hour. The second, a maker of high-end hydraulics materials, will bring 28 jobs at $19.38 per-hour and a capital investment of $5.4 million.

Council also heard reports from the public safety and short-term rental ad hoc committees. The public safety report reviewed goals for second-priority response (non-life threatening) calls, which will be revisited in 60 days. The Quick Response Vehicles used in such calls are looking to cut response times to under 17 minutes. The short-term rental committee review said that the initial meeting was to gauge community interest in potential regulations for the more than 425 vacation by owner/AirBNB homes in Anderson County. No official action was taken on either measure.

County Councilman John Wright, Jr., recapped the meeting for the Anderson Observer.


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