Council to Choose 2 New Library Board Members Tuesday

Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer

Anderson County Council will choose two new members to serve on the library board as part of Tuesday’s meeting at 6:30 p.m. in the historic courthouse downtown.

Earlier this year, council gave final approval to expanding the current seven-member board, one appointed by each council member which governs the library. Some council members suggested the four-year appointments were of concern since council members are only elected to two-year terms, creating a slim chance that some council members might not get to name the representative from their district.

This summer council interviewed 15 of the 43 applicants for the at-large spots. On Tuesday, the council will nominate and vote on the two finalists. The overwhelming majority of applicants earned post-secondary degrees including one M.D., eight Ph.D. 's, 12 master’s degrees, 15 four-year degrees, five two-year degrees and two with no degreed education beyond high school diplomas. Some have extensive experience in public library work.

While council maintains the expansion will allow for “more representation,” another reason for the move to expand the board grew out of complaints from some citizens who suggested there are inappropriate books in the children’s library. Over the past 18 months, only 10 of the more than 35,000 volumes in the children’s library have been challenged.

This group claimed the library has materials in the children’s library which are “inappropriate,” “against community standards,” and aimed at “grooming,” “social engineering,” and “catering to a tiny minority.”

The library has policies in place requiring adult supervision for those under the age of 12 in the library and for parental approval for checking out materials and believes “Parents are the ultimate arbiter in choosing which materials are best for their children.”

The newly appointed members will immediately join the board and will participate in the next meeting Sept. 9.

Full Agenda for Council Meeting Here

Greg Wilson