County Planning and Public Works Looks at Tree Ordinance, Comprehensive Plan

Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer

Anderson County Council’s Planning and Public Works Committee looked ahead to a new comprehensive plan and raised concerns over the need for an ordinance to protect trees from being clearcut by developers as part of Thursday’s meeting.

The group expressed readiness to begin work on the new Anderson County comprehensive plan which will kick in in 2026. The goal of the plan would seek to continue to promote growth while protecting natural resources.

The new tree regulations would provide guidelines which would limit unrestricted cutting of trees in future housing develops in the county. The goal is to put forth a simple and logical ordinance that is fair and reasonable for developers while protecting adjacent landowners and the community as a whole. The committee moved to refine the language of the proposed ordinance and revisit in a future committee meeting.

The committee also considered a move to require developers to secure a letter from sewer and water providers affirming service and capacity for the land of any proposed development.  

No votes or concrete action was taken on any of these items.


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