County to Receive $3.3M in State Funding for Projects
Greg Wilson/Anderson County
Anderson County will receive more than $3.3 million in funding for local projects as part of the state’s budget for the upcoming fiscal year.
Anderson County received confirmation today from S.C. Sen. Mike Gambrell, S.C. Sen. Richard Cash, and Anderson County Legislative Delegation Chair Rep. Anne Thayer, that the following county recreation projects were funded in the state budget for the coming fiscal year.
$750,000 for additional expansion of KidVenture 2.0 playground
$500,000 for development of the new Piedmont Riverfront Park
$175,000 to be used for an engineering study of the old Highway 81 bridge next to Dolly Cooper Park
Also at Dolly Cooper Park, Senator Cash and Representative Beach worked together to secure $750,000 for installing ballfield lights.
“We’re very appreciative of the support from our state-level officials for these important projects” said Anderson County Council Chair Tommy Dunn. “This assistance from the state combined with additional amounts committed by us locally allows us to maximize the impact of these important community projects. It is a pleasure to work together to serve our citizens.”
The new budget also provides funding for five municipal projects in Anderson County:
$250,000 to the City of Belton for substandard housing demolition
$300,000 to the Town of Honea Path for substandard housing demolition
$500,000 for the Iva train depot
A total of $45,000 in direct recreation grants to small towns
$30,000 for improvements to the Watkins Community Center
“I would also like to thank Rep. Don Chapman, Rep. Craig Gagnon and Rep. Jay West, for helping make these projects possible,” said Anderson County Administrator Rusty Burns.