County to Vote on $4.8M Generator for New Detention Center

Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer

Anderson County Council will vote on a proposed contract for Duke Energy to provide a backup generator at the Anderson County Detention Center which is currently under construction as part of their regular meeting Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. in the historic courthouse.

The total cost of the project is an estimated 4.8 million and will be paid for in payments of $26,835 per month for 180 months.

Council will also consider an agreement with the City of Belton to allow county code enforcement officers to respond to environmental and code violations in Belton.

Full agenda here.

At council’s 6 p.m. honors meeting, council will recognize Chief Jimmy Ray Sutherland for his life of service to Iva and Anderson County and Dennis dean Claramunt for his life of service to the county.


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