Election 2024: Tripp Dukes, School Dist. 5, Area 7

Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer

Tripp Dukes is a candidate for School Trustee, Dist. 5, Area 7.

Dukes earned a Master’s Degree in Education Administration from the University of South Carolina and a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Newberry College.

Dukes is a retired former principal and assistant superintendent for Anderson School Dist. 5.

He said his community activities include work with the S.C. Association of School Administrators, Furman Consortium, Anderson/Oconee/Pickens Professional Development Committee, YMCA Board, Anderson First Tee Planning Committee, Rotary Club and Kiwanis.

Dukes attended hundreds of school board meetings in his career as an educator.

Yes, hundreds over my career and as the former principal at Whitehall Elementary School, worked closely with the PTO to improve the quality of our school, where he said the parents volunteered and were fantastic advocates for our students and staff. He also fostered business partners for the school.

Here are his answers to the Anderson Observer’s questions:

1. What is the most important responsibility of public schools?

I believe our community’s future depends on the ability of our district to bring excellence to all students in a safe environment. Our public schools must ensure that our students receive a world-class education and are ready for college or a career after graduation. Our graduates must be equipped to positively contribute to our society.

District Five has always been, and must remain, a state leader.

2. What are the three most important duties of a public-school board member?

According to board policy, the four main roles (duties) of the board are as follows:

Vision- The board sets the long-range vision for the school district. Examples include strategic planning, budget planning, other planning procedures such as facilities planning or curriculum audit, inclusion of all community groups and taking a proactive stance for education.

Basic Structure- The board establishes the basic structure for governance and operation of the district in order to fulfill its vision. Examples include personnel, quality of staffing and staffing patterns, budget development, curriculum and instruction, appropriate environment such as facilities and behaviors, and district operations.

Accountability- The board ensures accountability for itself and all district operations in order to realize its vision. Examples include budget; legal requirements; student performance; community/parental involvement; community/parental support; dealing with pressure groups; recognizing the difference between private citizen and public official role/responsibility; working together as an effective team and evaluating all aspects of the district including the board, superintendent, staff, students, and community.

Advocacy- The board is an advocate for its vision. Examples include working with elected and appointed officials; cooperation with agencies serving children; being advocates for children and promoting the value of public education with business, retired persons and other groups.

3. How is your combination of education and experience relevant to serving the duties identified in question one?

As a candidate for the Anderson District Five School Board, my many years of educational experience in all levels of K-12 education gives me a unique perspective that few board members will ever have. 40 years of educational experience as a teacher, principal, and assistant superintendent provides me the background to ask specific questions about the budget, hiring, academics, data, school safety, student services, etc., to ensure transparency and organizational accountability. I understand the inner workings of a school district and will strive to work with my fellow board members to make Anderson District Five a school district where students excel and where employees are excited to work.

4. Is there a particular issue that motivates you to run for a seat on the board of education?

Recruitment, retention, and support of effective teachers, along with non-instructional support staff, is a pressing issue.

The most important thing you can give a student is an effective teacher. The statewide teacher shortage is an issue in Anderson Five. Teachers leave when they are demoralized, stressed and exhausted. We must promote and encourage the teacher voice. We must promote a culture where teachers are trusted, respected, and supported as the professionals that they are. We must respond to teachers’ concerns regarding career satisfaction. If we don't listen, teachers will leave, and our students will lose. I truly believe if we listen to teachers and act on their valuable knowledge our district will thrive.

5. Please explain your understanding of how school board millage works and what you see as the top priorities for using this money.

School funding in South Carolina is a complex topic. School districts receive local, state, and federal funding. Most residents do not realize that property tax on owner-occupied homes does not go toward funding schools, but only to pay school bond debt. This has been true since Act 388 of 2006. Instead, rental property, commercial property, cars, RV’s, boats, etc. help fund our schools. The millage rate is the number of mills levied on taxpayers to meet each district budget. One mill equals 1/1000 of a dollar or $1.00. Anderson Five has the lowest millage among the other Anderson County districts. My top budgeting priority is to support classroom instruction by targeting funds toward students, teachers, and staff that directly impact students.

6. Given all the issues that arise, how can the board stay focused on student achievement?

The school board must stay focused and vigilant on monitoring student achievement and growth throughout the school year. Fortunately, student assessment data is collected throughout the year and should be analyzed by the board on an ongoing basis. This data should be linked to the vision, direction, and budget priorities of the board.

7. How does a school board balance the need to provide a quality education with the need to respond to local taxpayer burden?

The board must consider taxpayers as stakeholders in our schools through taxes paid. The school board must be mindful of the tax burden during budget planning. Anderson Five is blessed with a strong tax base that allows it to provide a quality education without raising taxes. I am committed to prioritizing the budget to positively support classroom instruction without raising taxes.

8. What are your thoughts on the current and the proposed budget for your school district?

The current budget is a fiscal anomaly as student enrollment has been decreasing, but the budget has been increasing. The district receives state funding based on student enrollment (ADM) and therefore, the budget should be decreasing.

Inflation may be a factor but cannot explain the millions of dollars in increase over the past few years. I am committed to analyzing All aspects of the district to ensure that the funding priority is on educating students.

Budget planning for the 2024-25 school year will begin in a few months. State Report Cards were just released showing a concerning drop in the ratings of over half of District Five schools. Budget planning must address this concern. To do this, the board must prioritize existing funds down to the classroom level to support teachers and all underperforming students.

9. As a board member, where would you look to make budget cuts?

Before making budget cuts, the board must be serious about evaluating and justifying all aspects of the district to ensure that the priority is on educating students. One of my platforms is to strengthen academic and behavioral support services for underperforming schools. To do this, the board must prioritize existing funds at the top and move them down to the classroom level to support teachers and all underperforming students. The classroom is the heartbeat of education, and that heartbeat needs to be strong.

10. Are there any areas you would not consider cutting?

As a board member, I would not support cutting teachers because the result would be an increase in teacher-pupil ratio. I also would not support cutting other employees who come into direct contact with children on a daily basis. I also would not cut funding for school security and safety.

11. How would you determine your budget priorities?

The vast majority of the district’s budget is spent on personnel so recruiting, retaining, and supporting effective teachers and employees are budget priorities.

As mentioned above, State Report Cards were just released showing a concerning drop in the ratings of over half of District Five schools. The board must focus on reversing these drops and improving school ratings as a budget priority.

The success of the district is a direct result of a board’s decisions.

12. What changes should be made on the state and local level regarding public education?

Public education used to be an important priority at the state level, especially in election years. Over the past few years, it seems that education has taken a back seat to other issues. Teacher salaries are just not keeping up with inflation and that needs to be addressed at the state level.

At the local level, students, parents, employees, and taxpayers should have a voice and be involved in their child’s education. Parental rights should be respected along with employees and students' medical freedom.

13. Do you favor renewing the penny sales tax for schools when the current law expires? 

Yes. The penny sales tax has been a reliable source of revenue to keep our facilities in top condition. This tax sunsets in 2029. If, at that time, the board votes to place the tax on the ballot, the voters will decide if the tax will be renewed. As a school board member, it is important that the voters be well informed as to exactly what the penny tax revenue can be spent on and how it has been used in the past.

14. How important are athletics and extracurricular activities and should the school board support such endeavors for students? 

Athletics and extracurricular activities are especially important for many students. Sports and extra-curricular activities provide students with an opportunity to work on a team to learn teamwork skills, learning to be a leader, learning how to be respectful of one another. Research has shown that students that participate in sports all four years have a higher graduation rate. Students who don’t participate in sports have a lower graduation rate.

Athletics and extracurricular activities require a great commitment on a student’s part. These students must learn to balance academics and their extra-curricular activities which is crucial to their overall development and future opportunities. Learning to do this develops self-discipline and perseverance, two invaluable character traits.

As evidenced by my thoughts above, the school board should absolutely support athletics and extracurricular activities.

15. What is your understanding of separation of church and state when it comes to public schools in Anderson County?

Board policy dictates how Anderson District Five approaches religion in our schools. Board policy IMDC-Religious Observances and Displays covers this topic by stating, “The board recognizes that one of the district's educational goals is to advance students' knowledge and appreciation of the role that our religious heritage has played in the social, cultural and historical development of civilization. No religious belief or non-belief should be promoted by the school district or its employees and none should be disparaged. Instead, the district should encourage all students and staff members to appreciate and be tolerant of each other's religious views.”

As a follower of Jesus, I am committed to my faith. I will follow the board policy above and protect the religious liberties of students and employees. I believe in the Judeo-Christian values that this country was founded upon. 

16. Are you familiar with Moms for Liberty and/or Stop Moms for Liberty groups and how do you view their activities (positively/negatively and why)?

Yes, I am familiar with the Moms for Liberty Anderson (SC) Chapter and am pleased to have their endorsement. I have found their members to be liberty-minded, faithful, and patriotic women (and some men). I have a very positive view of those attributes and the values that Moms for Liberty are dedicated to.

I am not familiar with Stop Moms for Liberty other than what is on their website.

17. How would you work to find common ground with other school board members and the superintendent on issues of disagreement?

Effective school board members are those who will invest their time to research, question, analyze data, and be knowledgeable of policy. If there are disagreements, consensus should be reached through thoughtful deliberation and diplomatic conversation. Ultimately, not all board members will agree on all issues. My leadership style is to listen first, weigh the facts, present facts in a logical way, and make a thoughtful decision. Once an issue has been thoroughly discussed, the board decision-making apparatus is to simply vote on an issue using majority rule.

School board members represent their constituents and should gather input from them. I will listen to other board members and the superintendent with an open mind to create an environment where collaboration and collegial debate is respected. Having well prepared and knowledgeable board members will lead to sound decision making and to finding common ground.

18. Could you support a board decision you did not vote in favor of? Why or why not?

Supporting or not supporting a board decision depends on the topic at hand. For example, if the board has decided a paint color for a school, I will support whatever color the board favors. If the decision is to increase taxes, I will not change my position opposing a tax increase regardless of which way the board votes. To be on record with my constituents opposing a tax increase and then to reverse that position is hypocritical.

19. What is your opinion of current teachers in the district and what would you do as a board member to support them?

The classroom is the heartbeat of education, and the teacher is the center of that heartbeat. We must support our teachers by promoting and encouraging teacher voice. We must promote a culture where teachers are trusted, respected, and supported as the professionals that they are. We must respond to teachers’ concerns regarding career satisfaction. If we don't listen, teachers will leave, and our students will lose. I truly believe if we listen to teachers and provide them with support, our district will thrive.

20. How can a school board know if its goals are being accomplished and its policies are being implemented?

In order to know if the school board’s goals are being accomplished, the school board must have specific and measurable goals. These goals must have benchmarks put into place to evaluate outcomes. These goals should also drive budget decisions in order to accomplish the board’s goals.

In regard to policies being implemented and followed, the school board must monitor itself and answer to its constituents.  School board members must be knowledgeable of the policies that govern the district. Making and adopting policy is a key responsibility of a school board. A board that strays from its policies loses the trust of the people.

Greg Wilson