Election 2024: Troy Haguewood, School Dist. 5, Area 1

Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer

Troy Haguewood is a candidate for the School District Five Area 1 Seat.

Haugewood earned Associate Degrees in both General Engineering and Engineering Graphics from Tri-County Technical College.

His community activities include serving in various capacities at Temple Baptist Church, including youth ministry and Awana ministry.

He said has attended school board meetings and has contributed to and volunteered for the Westside Athletic Booster Club.

Here are his answers to the Anderson Observer’s questions:

1.    What is the most important responsibility of public schools?

The most important responsibility of public schools is to provide a safe environment that is conducive for creating a solid foundation in academic skills—reading, writing, math, and critical thinking—while fostering personal responsibility and respect for others. Public schools should equip students to be informed and engaged citizens who are prepared for life beyond the classroom, whether in higher education, the workforce, or civic life. This means maintaining high standards of excellence, ensuring transparency in decision-making, and respecting the values and input of parents and the community.

2.    What are the three most important duties of a public-school board member?

1.    Upholding fiscal responsibility: Ensuring taxpayer dollars are used efficiently and transparently, focusing resources on improving education and not on wasteful spending. It’s vital to be a good steward of public funds and prioritize what truly benefits students.

2.    Advocating for parental involvement: Ensuring that parents have a strong voice in their children’s education. This includes promoting policies that allow parents to be informed and involved in curriculum decisions and school policies, especially in matters related to values and community standards.

3.    Ensuring academic excellence and accountability: Setting high standards for academic performance and holding administrators and teachers accountable for meeting those standards. This includes supporting proven methods of instruction that prepare students for success in life while respecting traditional values and local priorities.

3.    How is your combination of education and experience relevant to serving the duties identified in question one?

My background as a Quality Improvement Technician in the corporate world has equipped me with a unique set of skills that are highly relevant to serving as a school board member. In my career, I have been responsible for identifying inefficiencies, improving processes, and ensuring high standards of quality and accountability. These skills are directly applicable to ensuring our schools operate effectively and efficiently.

4.    Is there a particular issue that motivates you to run for a seat on the board of education?

As outlined on my website, Troyforstudents.com, my mission is clear: to ensure our schools reflect the values and priorities of our community. I am committed to:

    •    Promoting Conservative Values in Education: Ensuring our students are taught an appropriate, clean curriculum that respects our shared values.

    •    Reviewing & Prioritizing Spending: Being a responsible steward of taxpayer dollars by focusing resources on what truly benefits students.

    •    Unifying Parents, Teachers, and the Community: Building strong partnerships that foster student success by ensuring parents, teachers, and families all have a meaningful voice in the decision-making process.

    •    Ensuring Transparency and Accountability: Promoting open communication and holding all stakeholders accountable to the highest standards.

My focus is on providing our children with a quality education while respecting the values of our community and ensuring fiscal responsibility.

5.    Please explain your understanding of how school board millage works and what you see as the top priorities for using this money.

My understanding of school district millage is that it represents the tax rate applied to local property values to fund public schools. It’s a critical source of revenue, and as a school board member, it will be my responsibility to ensure that these funds are used efficiently and effectively, always with the taxpayer in mind.

When it comes to priorities for using this money, my focus would be on three key areas:

    1.    Maximizing classroom impact: Ensuring that the majority of millage funds directly support teachers and students in the classroom—whether through improving instructional resources, reducing class sizes, or investing in proven educational tools and technologies that enhance learning outcomes.

    2.    Fiscal responsibility and transparency: Carefully reviewing the budget to eliminate wasteful spending and prioritize initiatives that have a direct impact on student achievement. Taxpayers deserve to know that their money is being spent wisely, and I will advocate for clear communication and full transparency on how funds are allocated.

    3.    Facilities and safety: Maintaining safe, functional, and modern school facilities is crucial. However, we must be prudent in our spending, focusing on necessary improvements without burdening taxpayers with excessive costs. Safety measures and facility upgrades should be prioritized based on need and their potential to enhance the learning environment.

In short, my goal will be to ensure that millage funds are managed with the utmost care and responsibility, always focused on improving the quality of education and being accountable to the taxpayers who fund our schools.

6.    Given all the issues that arise, how can the board stay focused on student achievement?

The board must always remember that student achievement is the core purpose of the school system. To stay focused on this goal, the board should establish clear academic priorities and regularly measure progress using objective data. This means setting high academic standards and holding administrators accountable for delivering results.

At the same time, the board must avoid being sidetracked by distractions or unnecessary political agendas. We should focus on policies and decisions that directly impact students’ learning experiences, such as improving the curriculum, supporting teachers, and ensuring that resources are used effectively in the classroom.

As a conservative, I believe that fostering strong partnerships with parents and teachers is key. When the board listens to the concerns of families and empowers them to be involved in their children’s education, it strengthens the focus on student success. By keeping transparency, accountability, and academic excellence at the forefront of every decision, the board can ensure that it remains dedicated to helping students achieve their full potential. 

7.    How does a school board balance the need to provide a quality education with the need to respond to the local taxpayer burden?

Balancing the need for a quality education with the responsibility to local taxpayers requires disciplined budgeting and clear priorities. As a school board member, my goal will be to ensure that every dollar spent is directed toward improving student outcomes, while minimizing the financial burden on taxpayers.

To achieve this, we must focus on core educational goals—ensuring students have a strong foundation in reading, writing, math, and critical thinking—without funding programs that don’t directly contribute to academic success. By streamlining administrative costs, cutting unnecessary spending, and avoiding initiatives that don’t align with our community’s values, we can ensure that resources go where they matter most: into the classroom. 

It’s also crucial to maintain transparency with the community. Taxpayers deserve to know how their money is being spent, and the board must be clear and accountable in its budgeting process. By focusing on what truly benefits students and ensuring fiscal responsibility, we can strike a balance between providing a high-quality education and respecting the financial concerns of local taxpayers.

8.    What are your thoughts on the current and the proposed budget for your school district?

While I have not been involved in crafting the current or past budgets, my approach to evaluating any budget is rooted in principles of fiscal responsibility, transparency, and a focus on student outcomes. I believe that every dollar should be spent efficiently, ensuring it directly benefits students in the classroom.

If elected, I will thoroughly review both the current and proposed budgets with a focus on identifying wasteful spending, ensuring taxpayer dollars are used effectively, and prioritizing key areas like core academic programs, teacher support, and safe, well-maintained schools.

I also believe in the importance of transparency—ensuring that the community has a clear understanding of how funds are being used—and I will advocate for an open, straightforward budgeting process that keeps the needs of students and taxpayers front and center.

Ultimately, my goal is to ensure that the budget reflects the values and priorities of our community, while providing the highest quality education possible without placing an unnecessary burden on taxpayers.

9.    As a board member, where would you look to make budget cuts?

Although I haven’t had access to the internal budget details yet, as a board member, my approach to making budget cuts will be guided by a commitment to fiscal responsibility and ensuring that resources are focused on improving student outcomes.

First, I will thoroughly review all administrative and operational expenses to identify areas of inefficiency or unnecessary spending. Often, there are opportunities to streamline overhead costs or reduce bureaucracy without negatively impacting students or teachers.

Second, I will prioritize cutting or reducing programs that don’t directly contribute to academic success or align with the core mission of our schools—providing a solid, values-based education. This means evaluating each program’s effectiveness and determining whether it justifies its cost in terms of student achievement.

Lastly, I will work to avoid any unnecessary expenditures that don’t directly impact the classroom or student learning.

My priority will always be to protect the quality of education while being mindful of the taxpayer burden, and to ensure that any cuts are made in areas that have the least impact on students.

10.    Are there any areas you would not consider cutting? 

While I believe in the need for fiscal responsibility and prudent budgeting, there are critical areas I would not consider cutting, as they are vital to student success and overall school quality.

    1.    Classroom Instruction: Funding for teachers, classroom resources, and core academic programs should always be a priority. High-quality instruction is essential for student achievement, and we must ensure that teachers have the support they need to succeed.

    2.    Student Safety and Support Services: I will prioritize funding for school safety measures and support services, including counseling and mental health resources. Ensuring a safe and supportive learning environment is crucial for students to thrive.

    3.    Core Curriculum: Maintaining a strong and appropriate curriculum that prepares students for the future is non-negotiable. We need to invest in educational programs that align with our community’s values and promote academic excellence.

While I believe in reviewing all areas of the budget for potential efficiencies, these are essential components that should remain funded to ensure our students receive the quality education they deserve. My focus will be on ensuring that our spending is efficient and we are putting students first while being mindful of the taxpayer burden.

11.    How would you determine your budget priorities?

I will begin by first analyzing the existing budget to understand where funds are currently allocated. I will then identify areas of overspending or inefficiencies that could be reallocated. I also feel it’s important to involve teachers, parents, students, and community members to participate in discussions to determine priorities. Funding should be prioritized to put our students first and provide resources and support for teachers and staff in our schools.

12.    What changes should be made on the state and local level regarding public education?

Public education needs to engage families in school activities and in the decision-making processes to create a more involved and supportive school community. At the local and state level an increased investment in teachers and staff should address more competitive salaries and benefits. 

13.    Do you favor renewing the penny sales tax for schools when the current law expires?

An analysis of expenditures and data would need to be reviewed to determine if funding provided positive outcomes for our students while making the best use of our taxpayers’ dollars.  Ultimately, it will be up to the voters and I will support

14.    How important are athletics and extra-curricular activities and should the school board support 

such endeavors for students?

Athletics and extracurricular activities instill great values such as teamwork, responsibility, and a sense of community. I believe for some students these activities also contribute to academic success. It is my belief the school board should continue to support our students participating in athletics and extracurricular activities.

15.    What is your understanding of separation of church and state when it comes to public schools in Anderson County?

The principle of separation of church and state, particularly within the context of public education, implies the government should neither promote nor favor any specific religion. Additionally, it emphasizes that the government should not hinder individuals' rights to practice in their religion freely.

16.    Are you familiar with Moms for Liberty and/or Stop Moms for Liberty groups and how do you view their activities (positively/negatively and why)?

Moms for Liberty is an American political organization. Its mission is dedicated to fighting for the survival of America by unifying, educating and empowering parents to defend their parental rights at all levels of government. As an American, I support empowering parents to defend their parental rights.

17.    How would you work to find common ground with other school board members and the superintendent on issues of disagreement? 

Finding common ground with other school board members and the superintendent on issues of disagreement requires collaboration. I will prioritize open and respectful communication, actively listening to differing viewpoints. I'm willing to explore flexible solutions that can bridge our differences. Additionally, I will gather feedback from constituents, as their insights are invaluable in ensuring our decisions reflect the students’, teachers’ and community's best interests.

18.    Could you support a board decision you did not vote in favor of? Why or why not?

I can support a board decision I didn’t vote in favor of if it aligns with core principles or serves the long-term interests of the school district. While I may have concerns about the decision, prioritizing putting students first will continue to be a priority for me.

19.    What is your opinion of current teachers in the district and what would you do as a board member to support them?

I have high regard for the current teachers in District Five as they continue to put their students first each day. They are invaluable in shaping the future of our students and community. As a board member, I will prioritize supporting them with adequate classroom resources, and competitive compensation. I will advocate to recognize their hard work and dedication, ensuring they have a voice in decision-making processes.

20.    How can a school board know if its goals are being accomplished and its policies are being implemented?

To effectively determine how we are reaching our goals in School District Five, I propose we use several key tools. First, reviewing standardized test scores, graduation rates, and other relevant data is crucial for measuring our progress. As a former graduate and parent in the district, I believe it’s equally important to gather input from teachers, parents, and students to understand their perspectives and experiences.

I recommend holding regular public meetings to discuss our progress and encourage community feedback. This approach provides transparency and accountability in our efforts to achieve our goals and implement our school board policies.

Greg Wilson