Give the Gift That Needs No Wrapping

Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer

Give the gift that needs no wrapping

Anderson has a strong roster of charitable organizations which are central to what makes this community special and attractive to those looking for a new place to call home.

Most of these groups are run by skeletal paid staffs who depend heavily on volunteers to keep this organizations running day-to-day.

Any many of your friends, neighbors and family workers are generous with their time and money in support of these groups.

But a majority of volunteers on which many of these groups depend are senior citizens, and the number of young people involved in volunteer efforts is not growing appreciably.

The problem is even more stark in South Carolina, which according to a recent study by WalletHub ranks 38th in the nation in volunteerism and charitable giving. That is not a promising statistic for our communities.

Meanwhile studies show volunteering offers health benefits to those who give of their time. These studies have found that those who volunteer experience stress reduction in their lives, sharper mental acuity, lower rates of depression, lower blood pressure rates, and overall better mental and physical health.

Volunteers also find a greater connection and understanding of the community. They also make Anderson a better place to work, play and live.

There are so many worthy organizations which can use your time and talents. Some of them are listed in this appreciation from November, but there are many more.

As the new year approaches, resolve to join the helpers in making our community the best it can be. You just might find it makes your life better.


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