Green Pond Celebrates 10 Years of Success

Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer

On Dec. 19, 2014, Anderson County landed a prize on Hartwell Lake that has exceeded the great expectations of the facility.

Green Pond Landing and Events Center has become an economic engine for the local economy generating more than $116 million in the past decade from international, national and regional fishing events.

“The tenth anniversary of Green Pond Landing and Events Center is a great day for Anderson County,” said Anderson County Administrator Rusty Burns. “We knew the lake was an overlooked and important resource for the county, and Green Pond has been a major part of proving we were right.”

Burns praised the efforts of the county’s retiring Director of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Glenn Brill, and county Parks Director Matt Schell for their dedicated work in making Anderson an international location for professional fishing tournaments.

Anglers from 48 states, four Canadian provinces, and 12 foreign countries have fished Lake Hartwell out of Green Pond Landing. In addition to European and Asian anglers, four African countries have traveled here to compete.

Since it opened, Green Pond has hosted:

Three Bassmaster Classics

Two TBF High School World Finals & National Championship

Two Bassmaster High School National Championships

Bassmaster & TBF Junior World Championships

Two Ray Scott Championships

Three BASS Nation Championships

Association of Collegiate Anglers National Championship

Bass College Series National Championship

Two Fishers of Men National Championships

Two National Professional Fishing League tournaments

Three ABA Military Championships

The Green Pond Landing Project is a collaboration between Anderson County and the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources. Sport Fish Restoration is administered by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and the Natural Resource Trustee Council for the Lake Hartwell PCB Settlement.


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