Local Charity Offers a Clean Start to Anderson's Homeless

Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer

Among the serious challenges facing the homeless is hygiene, a problem that can lead to serious health issues over time.

Sixteen years ago, a group from St. Mary of the Angels Catholic Church in Anderson set out to meet that challenge by helping serve those on the streets who needed a place to take a shower and wash their clothes.

The offerings at the Townsend Street facility have grown over the years to offer a mailing address and phone number, things essential to those looking for a job. They also help those who need vision help or dental work in cooperation with local medical professionals, and a clothing rack.

“We try to help the homeless by providing whatever they need to be a part of the community,” said Clean Start Director Norene Smith, one of the founders of the ministry. “This is my place. I love it.”

“I enjoy being here, it’s my home away from home,” said Smith, who began work at Clean Start after retiring from the hospital after more than 40 years.

When she started, she said she had planned to spend about 30 days helping get the new ministry established. Instead, she is still there.

Those who come to the facility are treated with kindness and dignity.

And though many of the volunteers are from St. Mary’s Church, Clean Start is an independent charity.

One of the things distinguishes Clean Start from other groups assisting our friends and neighbors who need a little help in Anderson County is that there is no paid staff. From the beginning, the organization has been a labor of love for those who volunteer to keep it up and running.

Though there are no formal fund raisers or fund-raising activities, the ministry runs entirely on donations, including the commercial washers and dryers which were also donated.

Smith said the community has been generous in helping keep Clean Start going.

And the need continues to grow.

“Lately we’ve seen a lot of new people come in, especially women,” said Smith. “It breaks my heart to see a woman come in here homeless.”

Clean Start is open 8-11 a.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. To find out more call 864-716-0766.

Donations can be sent to:

Clean Start

219 Townsend Street

Anderson, SC 29625


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