New AIT Director No Stranger to Anderson County

Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer

Two weeks into the job, Anderson Institute of Technology’s new executive director is optimistic about the upcoming school year.

Tiffany Estes, who comes to the new post from Anderson School District 1, where she spent the past seven years a director of planning and development and student services, said the mission and continued growth of AIT were part of what attracted her to the challenge of the new position.

Estes replaces Bob Couch, who was hired in 2017 to help launch the new school, which serves Anderson school districts 3, 4 and 5. The facility opened to students in 2019 and currently boasts and enrollment of more than 1,300 students.

Estes previous experience includes teaching in special education in Cobb County, Ga., Assistant Principal/Athletic Director at Woodmont Middle School in Greenville County, and principal position at Greenville Early College, a specialized program focused on preparing first-generation college students for post-secondary opportunities.

She talked about the upcoming school year in this interview with the Anderson Observer.


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