Roads Project Aims to Improve I-85 Exit 27

Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer

A few dozen citizens showed up at the Piercetown Fire Department Thursday to find out more about a new road project which will extend the county road Orange Way all the way to S.C. 81, where it will connect with Martin Road, and an extended exit ramp off the interstate onto the state highway.

The purpose of the project is to improve safety and traffic flow, especially for large vehicles, near the busy I-85 Exit 27 at S.C. 81. The Orange Way Extension will also open potential development along the new road. The extended exit ramp will allow for a safer and longer turn lane from the interstate onto S.C. 81.

Funding for the $10.3 million project will come from Appalachian Regional Commission local access road program, which will pay for 100 percent of construction. Local match funding is paying for engineering and design for the project.

Bids are expected to go out in August of 2025, and if the process moves as expected (and weather cooperates), the new road should be completed in 2027.

Anderson County Roads and Bridges Project Manager Jonathan Fox told the Anderson Observer the new road is expected to benefit the county.


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April is County Litter Cleanup Month; Kickoff April 6