S.C. Century Farms Continue to Contribute to Economy, Culture

Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer

Agriculture remains a big economic factor in South Carolina, especially in Anderson County, and historic family farms are a reason for the growth.

The South Carolina Century Farms Program aims to honor those families who have worked the land for generations, on family-owned farms more than 100 years old. An event on Saturday at the Mule Barn on the property of the Bart Garrison S.C. Agricultural Museum honored those who have maintained their farms across the state for more than a century.

The Century Farm Program was formed in Anderson, Oconee and Pickens counties in 1973, and expanded statewide by the S.C. General Assembly in 1976.

These farms continue to provide food, jobs and a sense of community and are a vital part of South Carolina's economy and culture. Century Farms also play an important role in preserving South Carolina's natural resources by helping protect water quality, wildlife habitat, and perpetuating open spaces.

The following is a list of Century Farms in Anderson County:

Ben Woolbright - 1860,  Benjamin C. Wright - 1887,  William D. Martin Jr. - 1800,  Rocky River/Hencoop Creek Farm - 1800,  The Elms - 1883,  Grace William Akins,  Williams Farm - 1851,  Grover Century Farm - 1840,  Hampton G. Anderson Jr - 1786,  Annalynne Hall Barnett/Jane Hall Barfield - 1879,  W.L. Bowman Sr. and Jr. - 1876,  Boxwood Manor,  Thomas M. Breazeale - 1885,  John C. Burress Farm - 1851,  Raymond Bridges - 1864,  Bruce-Hanks Farm - 1900,  Mary M. Shirley Century Farm - 1890,  4C's Farm - 1864,  Shelby M. Carwile - 1869,  Cherokee Farms - 1820,  James M. and Barbara G. Crowther - 1875,  Nancy Wilson-Devine - 1848,  Tract B- McGee Farm - 1905,  Elizabeth Dobbins - 1871,  Maggie Drake - 1868,  Emerson Farm,  Evergreen - 1829,  Garrett's Family Farm - 1846,  Denver Downs - 1869,  Gray Farm - 1851,  Cox Farm - 1910,  William K. Glenn - 1884,  Wilton Hall Century Farm - 1861,  Hanks Farm - 1854,  Hazel Hanks Farm - 1854,  Lucille Hawkins Farm - 1840,  James Ray Hawkins - 1871,  William J. Hawkins Farm - 1890,  Eleanor Smith Hayes - 1800,  Hays Century Farm - 1867,  Craig Hill - 1840,  Sitton Hill Farm - 1880,  William Calhoun Hunt - 1794,  Brandon Hutchison - 1830,  Jim Smith Century Farm,  Debbie and James Daniel King - 1894,  Don King - 1840,  Peter V.C. King - 1860,  The Link Farm - 1919,  Mary Louise Smith Martin Century Farms - 1800, 1859,  Manford Mahaffey,  Martin Farms - 1912,  Nancy Pennell Masters - 1840,  Masters Century Farm - 1882,  McDaniel Farm,  Kenneth P. McGee - 1791,  Bonnie W. Merritt,  Dr. James M. Milford Jr. - 1859,  Millwee Century Farm - 1785,  Ralph Martin Owen Jr - 1906,  William E Pascoe - 1878,  Mathias B. Richardson - 1855,  Richard and Charlotte Roberts - 1800,  Furman E. Rogers - 1857,  Derrell H. and James H. Sears - 1871,  Derrell H. and James H. Sears - 1840,  Selma Saylors - 1820s,  Lois W. Sherman,  Lula Mae Sherman Skelton - 1825,  Shirley Family Farm - 1906,  Martin Century Farm - 1920,  Stevenson Century Farm - 1895,  Thomas Century Farm (Brent Thomas) - 1880,  Ronald Parker Townsend - 1848,  Frank Oscar Smith Jr - 1800,  Tract A- Glenn McGee Farm - 1905,  Dorothy K. Tripp - 1873,  Harold V. Tripp - 1873,  Marshall T. and Betty S. Ware - 1790,  Walker Century Farm - 1898,  Martha Louise Kay Vancil - 1880,  Florence Moore Tucker - 1881,  Paul L. Webb Farm - 1862,  Welborn Farm - 1884,  Wigington Farm (Elihu Wigington Jr.),  John Cecil Williams,  Thomas Howard Williams - 1877,  William A. Wilson - 1772,  William Charles Wilson Sr. - 1848,  Kyle Martin Wilson Sr. - 1869,  Mary R. Wilson - 1897,  Ruth Emily Martin - 1869,  William Charles Wilson Jr - 1848,  David M. Woods - 1894,  Elbridge Wright Century Farm - 1849,  Benjamin Wright Century Farm - 1887,  Charles E. Dalrymple Farm - 1917,  Oak Ridge Farm - 1795,  T.F. Martin Century Farm - 1899


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