Superintendent Sets High Goals for Anderson School Dist. 3

Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer

Anderson School District 3 is the smallest in the county, with 2,675 students, but the achievements have them among the top 10 school districts in the state. Superintendent Kathy Hipp said being a small, more rural district does not change their goal of being a premier district with top schools.

The district has five schools: Flat Rock Elementary, Iva Elementary, Star Elementary, Starr-Iva Middle and Crescent High. The district also joins school districts 4 and 5 as part of the Anderson Institute of Technology. Parental involvement has grown to the level it is creating parking challenges at school events.

The district office is also expanding to include the building which formerly housed the Iva Branch of the Anderson County Library. The library branch will move into a more spacious and up-to-date facility downtown in Iva, and is currently housed in the Iva Museum building. The expansion will also bring the bus station and technology divisions together at the same location.

Hipp,. South Carolina Superintendent of the Year in 2021, has deep roots in the county's largest geographical district, and discussed the upcoming school year’s challenges in this interview with the Anderson Observer.


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