Thayer, McDonald Nominated for Magistrate Posts

Editor’s Note: This story will be updated later today with more details.

Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer

Former S.C. Rep. Anne Thayer and Jill McDonald have been nominated by S.C. Sen. Richard Cash, R-Dist. 3, to replace two retiring magistrate judges in Anderson County.

Thayer stepped down as representative for House Dist. 9 where she served from 2011-2024. During that time, worked on numerous committees and chaired the House Rules Committee.

“I am humbled and honored by the recommendation of Senator Richard Cash and Senator Mike Gambrell to the office of magistrate judge in Anderson county” said Thayer. “Once the Governor’s appointment and the senate approval takes place, I will again have the amazing opportunity to serve the people of this community. In the meantime, you will likely find me in circuit or magistrate court as I garner all the information I can from the honorable men and women currently serving in our judicial system.”

McDonald Jill McDonald worked with the South Carolina Foster Care Review Board in Anderson County since 2008.

“With my nearly two decades of serving the most vulnerable populations within our community, I am honored to continue my service unto the citizens of Anderson County, as Magistrate Judge,” said McDonald. “My desire is to use my talents, gifts and abilities to benefit our community. I am committed to doing my very best in carrying out the responsibilities of this position, which has graciously been entrusted to me.”

In South Carolina, magistrates are nominated by the senators and recommended to the governor. Candidates are then required to pass an eligibility exam to assess suitability for the position. The governor then appoints the magistrate pending approval by the senate.

Candidates must be a citizen of the United States and South Carolina, a resident of South Carolina for at least five years, at least 21 years old, and have earned a four-year baccalaureate degree.

The pair will replace the Hon. Nancy W. Devine and the Hon. Ronnie W. Whitman.

Judge Devine served almost 30 years as magistrate, including several years as chief magistrate replacing Judge Charles McDowell in 1995.

Judge Whitman, after a career in law enforcement, replaced Judge Calvin Williamson to serve in Pendleton’s municipal court as magistrate in 2001.

In South Carolina, magistrates preside over criminal, civil, and traffic cases, and set bail, issue warrants, and conduct preliminary hearings. The also preside over criminal offenses that result in a fine of up to $500 or a jail sentence of up to 30 days and hear cases transferred from general sessions that result in a fine of up to $5,500 or a jail sentence of up to one year

Magistrates also hear civil disputes involving amounts of up to $7,500, handle landlord/tenant actions, summons and complaints, trespass, issue restraining orders for harassment and stalking, and preside over traffic cases


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