Two Good Signs for Anderson Civic Center

Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer

After more than three decades, the Anderson Sports and Entertainment Center has a pair of new signs which will welcome and inform those in the area of events and activities.

The main sign replaces the antiquated and difficult to update and maintain sign on Civic Center Boulevard. It features up-to-date video screens and greater ease of use from officials at the civic center. A new, smaller sign, which also includes video, has been installed at the entrance on Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard as well.

The total cost of the two signs is $250.000, which was included in the current county budget for the civic center.

When the Anderson Civic Center opened in May of 1990 with area high school graduations, the schedule in the months ahead was already full.

In the years that followed, the complex grew to include an amphitheater, sports fields, a walking track and more and today the current complex draws larger and larger crowds every year to public and private events, including the recent “Rock the Country” concerts which drew record crowds to the area. And the calendar remains full.

Civic Center Manager Adrienne Cole said the new structures are good signs for the future.

Greg Wilson