MTP Cornbread Christmas a Holiday Treat

Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer

I don’t generally review jukebox musicals, but Mill Town Players “A Honky Tonk Christmas” is a holiday gift worth a mini-review.

The production is an enthusiastic deep-fried tribute to cornbread Christmas, and a throwback to the energy of “The Arthur Smith Show,” which was televised nationwide from 1951-1982 or “The Porter Wagoner Show.” The only thing missing was Speck Roads, although Mill Town Players founder Will Ragland brings a fried chicken breath performance, complete with Whispering Bill Anderson wig.

It's a fun show, even for those who might prefer Bing’s “White Christmas” to “Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer.”

Cast, production staff and crew nailed every aspect of the show with great sound, lights and direction. See list here of everyone involved

The standout moment though was a solo near mid-show of “I’ll Be Home for Christmas.” Courtney Arnold’s vocals would have been a treat in any holiday show, but it was the stripped arrangement featuring only keyboard and bass that put the egg in the nog. Meghan Reimers emotional work on the keyboard (which was a highlight throughout the show) almost stole the spotlight on this number. I have a collection of more than 8,000 holiday songs, including dozens of covers of this tune, and Reimers keys gave a real heartbeat to this Christmas favorite.

The rest of the cast manages to sail through the sets of songs with a hyperkinetic verve that could easily have been irritating in the hands of less capable performers. Again, a big ho, ho, ho, to the director, and production staff and crew for such a solid effort.

Those looking for a jolly night out leading up to Christmas might consider “A Honky Tonk Christmas,” which has a Sunday matinee and three more shows next weekend. Tickets here.


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