U.S. House District 3 Elspeth Snow Murday

Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer

1. What makes you the best candidate in a crowded field running for this office?

I am the Sword. Nothing may be hidden - I suffered, to learn every way that a heart may be pierced. If I am damaged or discarded, you will be left without defense. God's greatest gift to mankind is the foundation of this nation's Constitution - free will. If a man drowns because you did not choose to extend your hand, his death was not the will of God. If you do not spread this message today, then do not mistake what follows as the will of God.

Mankind will only perish by the choices of man. I can reforge this nation, but it must be your choice.

2. How would you evaluate the job Jeff Duncan did in this position? He represented our district, so I must evaluate all of us. Our elderly and disabled citizens now struggle to afford groceries. If they fail to pay rising property taxes, they can lose their homes. If they cannot afford water, heat, or medical care, we do not provide the means to survive. If they cannot afford gasoline, they are trapped. We expect gratitude in return for basic human decency.

After faith comes family, in terms of importance - but our young people can seldom afford homes and families of their own. In times past, anyone willing to work could live in a home which reflected the value of their efforts. Now, when a child is born, every scrap of the world is already owned by someone else.

Our children are allowed to go hungry, although they do not choose their parents. We ask them to memorize, rather than teaching them to think. They are entertained by devices which spread

Almost every person in America agrees that we have a legal system, not a justice system.

During Jeff's time in office - more than a decade - most people saw no material improvement to their lives as the result of his votes. If we are judged in this condition, we will be found wanting.

3. Is there anything you will do differently that you consider a more effective path to serving the Third District?

I will hold monthly town halls where each county submits one question or concern, selected however the people choose. I will read aloud and then respond to each submission, without choosing or ignoring topics. We must make transparency and accountability into an institution. Free will cannot exist when we do not understand what we choose between.

I will lead the leaders - they have gone astray.

I will shine a light, so that all of you may see what I perceive.

Evil will not hide for much longer.

4. What are the three most pressing issues for this district and how would you address each?

We must return to God. I cannot address this - nor can any law. All people must choose for themselves.

We must protect humanity. This is the richest nation on earth, but it will be found wanting until we value all people as did Jesus Christ. No person in this district should go without food, water, shelter, medication, or any other thing which may be necessary for a person to both survive and contribute as we face the challenges ahead. I will propose our own conservative plan, grounded in both freedom and the teachings of Christ, to comprehensively meet these needs without removing incentives to work and succeed. The Republican party must face a reckoning and align itself with Christ - God is not a tool to be bent to human purposes.

We must steward the earth. How might you react if you asked your children to look after your beautiful garden while you went on vacation, then came back to discover everything was dead from lack of care? We may not expect our charge to be treated more lightly. For this district specifically, I would suggest we begin to build earth-sheltered housing which could support light farming (orchards, vineyards, livestock), woods, or fields on top. That would go a long way toward replacing our wildlife and the natural resources we've stripped or paved over - and will help our people, specifically, survive the next challenges by adding resistance to wind, water, fire, hail, and earthquake damage. On a national scale, we must dramatically increase construction of nuclear energy facilities, rebuild our railways for a more resilient supply chain, and isolate our commerce from all but long-standing, reliable allies.

5. What are the three most pressing issues facing the U.S. House of Representatives moving into 2025?

Our government no longer works for the people.

Our government no longer works at all.

The border crisis.

My solution to all of the above is the same - it's time to amend our Constitution.

For example, if we end birthright citizenship, the border crisis completely disappears at zero cost to taxpayers. When there's no benefit to be gained from setting foot in the United States, people stop trying to do that.

Everyone already here illegally becomes a tourist - not treated as a criminal, but not given the same rights as a citizen and unable to work without getting a visa. No social services - your home nation is responsible for those. No due process - misbehave and get kicked out like any other tourist. No voting, no gun rights, etc.

Most importantly, a child born on U.S. soil would have the parents' nationality. Two parents who are citizens of Mexico will have children who are also citizens of Mexico, not of the United States, even if they're born on our soil.

People already here illegally could start the immigration process without fear, but from step one - behind people who have followed the legal process

We need amendments requiring a balanced budget and removing earmarks, enacting cumulative term limits and campaign finance reform, ending birthright citizenship, and more. Any amendment which decreases the concentration of corruption in Washington should be a top priority.

6. What is your philosophy of working with other elected representatives, some of whom you may have different viewpoints?

If they value the people and ideals of the United States of America more than their own self-interest, we will find common ground.

If they are poorly taught but can learn to change, we will find common ground.

If they are human, I will understand.

If they have grown to embrace evil, they will be made aware of my nature.


Anderson County Coroner Greg Shore


U.S. House District 3 Stewart Jones