Additional $470M Investment Coming to Rainy Generating Station

Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer

The Santee Cooper Board of Directors on Tuesday agreed to submit an application to the S.C. Public Service Commission for a $470 million expansion of the utility’s John S. Rainey Generating Station in Iva.

They will apply for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to add approximately 180 megawatts (MW) of capacity to Rainey Station, which is fueled by natural gas and has a capacity of approximately 1,000 MW, which would increase station capacity by nearly 20 percent without requiring additional natural gas to generate the additional capacity – and without increasing the emissions rate.

“This additional investment is good news for Anderson County and for Anderson School Dist. 3,” said Anderson County Administrator Rusty Burns.

Burns said the number question potential industry asks when considering locating in Anderson County is about electrical capacity and reliability.

The project involves installing a steam turbine generator and other equipment to capture the waste heat from two existing simple-cycle units and use that heat to generate additional electricity. Construction is expected to take 40 months once the project is approved.

“Repurposing the waste heat that is already being produced by these two combustion turbines will help ensure reliable power to a growing population across the Santee Cooper system,” said Jimmy Staton, president and CEO. “This ability to provide additional capacity at an existing site without increasing fuel costs or the emissions rate is a great opportunity that will benefit all of our customers and the entire state of South Carolina.”

The added capacity will serve to generate enough power for an additional 100,000 homes.

Greg Wilson