City Oks Townhouses, Updates Shared Kitchen Fees

Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer

Anderson City Council gave final approval on Monday to the rezoning of 10 acres located at 110 Fairway Green off U.S. 29 South for 80 proposed townhouses. The townhouses will be a minimum of 1,500 square feet and the development will include sidewalks, a large common area and a pocket park.

Council also updates the frees for use of the City of Anderson Shared Kitchen as follows:

Initial Fees: $100 Booking Fee

Kitchen Hourly Rental Fees:

First 1-35 hours $20/ hour 36th - 80th hours $18/ hour; 80th + hours $15/ hour

Cleaning Violation Fee: $50

Monthly Storage Rental Fees:

72-inch Walk-in Cooler Rack $55/ month

72-inch Walk-in Freezer Rack $55/ month

5x4x2 Dry Storage Rack $45/ month

Cooking Class/Demonstration Use Fee: $50/class

Pop-up Dining Space Booking Fee: $50/day

Also on Monday, the city updated Chapter 62, Article VI, of the Code of the City of with the addition of Section 62-218 which shall provide as follows: “Unlawful public urination and defecation. It shall be unlawful for any person to urinate or defecate on or in any public or private property within the city except in a restroom or other toilet facility designated for the sanitary disposal of human waste. All ordinances or parts of an ordinance inconsistent or in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency or conflict. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its adoption.”

Full Agenda Packet Here

Greg Wilson