Anderson County Jan. 2025 Update
Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer
Finding funding for roads, upgrading the county’s parks and recreation facilities, continuing the Hurricane Helene cleanup, and working to provide affordable housing are among the challenges Anderson County faces moving into 2025.
A proposed referendum for November would ask voters to support the road/bridges repair and maintenance which now has a $240 million backlog of projects is on the table. A six-person commission made up of three council members, a representative from the City of Anderson, and two members from other towns/municipalities would create the referendum and educate the public on the priority list of roads.
Former Toxaway and Riverside mill sites are being prepared for potential transitional housing for those moving out of homelessness, funded by federal grants, are among the projects county council has identified as a priority.
Anderson County Administrator Rusty Burns outlines these and other projects, including the progress at the new detention center, in this interview with the Anderson Observer.