AnMed Kicks Off Habitat House Partnership
Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer
More than 70 volunteers gathered in the AnMed parking lot near North Street on Friday morning to build the walls for a new house for Habitat for Humanity of Anderson.
AnMed employees filled the lot, hammered nails, carried framed walls and carried out other defined tasks as part of the effort. The walls will be moved next week to the site of the Habitat house. AnMed Volunteers will then continue work to complete the entire house on that site.
“We think it’s a great collaboration between AnMed and Habitat for Humaniy to help someone out,” said Scott Weiskittel, AnMed Executive Vice President and COO.
“This partnership is a beautiful alignment between our missions,” said Kylie Herbert, director of development for Habitat for Humanity of Anderson County. “Safe, stable housing has a huge impact on health.”
When the home is complete, it will be purchased with an affordable, interest-free mortgage by one of Habitat’s partner households. Habitat partners are Anderson County residents with low income who are living in substandard or cost-burdened housing. As part of Habitat’s affordable homeownership program, they complete 300 sweat-equity hours, which includes helping to build their home and taking financial and homeowner education.