AU Suicide Prevention Awareness Walk Set for Saturday

Observer Reports

An event to raise awareness of suicide prevention efforts is schedule for Saturday at Anderson University. 

The “Out of the Darkness Campus Walk” is set to begin at noon with an opening ceremony in the G. Ross Anderson Student Center. Speakers will include former Clemson football player Javis Austin, who will offer hope amid struggles with mental health. 

The two-mile awareness walk, which hopes to raise funds for the cause, begins at 12:30 p.m. on the Anderson University campus.

Funds raised will support the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s education, research and survivor support programs. In addition to raising awareness and funds to fight suicide, the walk will give those who attend a chance to connect with others and know they are not alone, whether they walk in memory or in support of a loved one or in honor of their own mental health journey. 

“I am a survivor of a sibling lost to suicide and these walks have been a space of healing and connection for me,” said Erin Maurer, AU director of counseling services who has been leading the planning for the walk. “I am excited that we have this opportunity to bring these messages of hope, awareness, and support to our campus and this community. Together we can stop suicide.”

“Suicide touches one in five American families. We hope that by connecting with one another, we will draw attention to this issue and keep other families from experiencing a suicide loss,” said John Tjaarda, the South Carolina AFSP Chapter Representative. “Our ultimate goal is to save lives and bring hope to those affected by suicide.”

Registration opens at 10:30 a.m. The walk is open to the public. Volunteers may pre-register or register on site on the day of the event.

To donate or join this event, visit here.


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