Belton Kicks Off Extended Celebration of Tennis Heritage

Greg Wilson/Anderson Oberver

Belton is kicked off the city’s celebration of its tennis heritage Sunday with a new exhibit highlighting its contributions to the sport in South Carolina. A series of other events are set through May to continue the celebration.

In partnership with the Belton Tennis Association, “Raise a Racquet:  The History of Tennis,” is the museum’s latest exhibit, and will be open to the public through May 27.

The new exhibit includes tennis memorabilia from as far back as the 1800s when tennis was introduced to Americans and clubs popped up all around Anderson County, including: racquets used throughout the last century to vintage uniforms, portraits of famous players, historical articles about tennis matches, photographs of players enjoying the game, awards and trophies gained from that play, and memorabilia of the Palmetto Tournament to artifacts from tennis tournaments around the world. 

Belton has been an important tennis town since the first club was formed in 1892 and young people began playing matches against one another and clubs throughout Anderson County.  The original court was actually located where the depot now stands, in the Y of the railroad tracks.   

On April 2, the Belton Tennis Association will be offering a free tennis clinic for all ages from 3 – 4:30 p.m. at the Belton Tennis Center.  Anyone who is interested in learning about the game can participate in this clinic.  

A Home School Day is scheduled for April 6 at the Belton Depot.  The class will involve 7 – 12-year-olds learning about the physics of tennis. In addition to class time at the depot, students will move to the Belton Tennis Center and conduct experiments using tennis equipment.  Reservations should be made by April 5 by calling 864-338-7400, and cost is $3 per child.  The class is limited to 10 children. 

And the end of the exhibit culminates with the 66th Annual Palmetto Junior Tennis Championships, held at various courts around Anderson County, with the finals at the Belton Tennis Center.  Play begins May 26 and runs through May 29.   

The exhibit is sponsored by Anderson County ATAX, City of Belton HTAX, Dunlop, USTA, and Belton Tennis Association and runs through May 27. 


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