Biden Wins Easily in Anderson, S.C. Primary

Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer

United States President Joe Biden easily won the South Carolina presidential primary on Saturday with more than 96 percent of the vote in the nation’s first formal Democratic Party Presidential Preference Primary.

The president received almost 96 percent of the vote in Anderson County, with 2,274 votes. Statewide, Biden also received roughly the same percentage among those who voted.

Voters do not register by political party in South Carolina, so it’s impossible to find the exact number of Democrats who voted Saturday. In the 2020 presidential election, Biden received 11,741 votes to opponent Donald Trump’s 23,184 votes.

Biden also won all 55 of the state’s Democratic delegates.

Anderson County has 120,882 registered voters, so turnout was low. The S.C. GOP Presidential Primary is set for Feb. 24.

The president sent out a statement praising South Carolina Voters:

“As I said four years ago, this campaign is for everyone who has been knocked down, counted out and left behind. That is still true today. With more than 14m new jobs and a record 24 straight months – two years – of the unemployment rate under 4%, including a record low unemployment rate for Black Americans, we are leaving no one behind,” he said.

“In 2020, it was the voters of South Carolina who proved the pundits wrong, breathed new life into our campaign, and set us on the path to winning the Presidency.

“Now in 2024, the people of South Carolina have spoken again and I have no doubt that you have set us on the path to winning the Presidency again – and making Donald Trump a loser – again.

 “When I was elected president, I said the days of the backbone of the Democratic party being at the back of the line were over. That was a promise made and a promise kept. Now, you are first in the nation.”


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