Camp iRock Spells Success for Local Children

Greg Wilson/Anderon Observer

The United Way of Anderson County Camp iRock is under way. The summer reading program offers a full day of learning instruction and other fun activities with the goal of helping students who might need a little extra help make reading fun.

“We want every child reading on grade level by the time they reach third grade,” said Carol Burdette, CEO of the United Way of Anderson County. Burdette said those who do not achieve this milestone are less likely to succeed going forward in school.

The program is for students across Anderson School Dist. 5 and is held at New Prospect Elementary School. The Summer School alternative also offers transportation, free books, snacks and lunch, and games for the children.

Burdette said those children who have participated in Camp iRock in the past have all returned to school the following fall at or above reading level.


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