School Dist. 5 Passes Budget with No Tax Increase

Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer

Anderson School Dist. 5 passed a $153.6 million fiscal year 2024-2025 budget this week without a millage increase.

The new budget includes $2,400 raises for teachers, $1.500 raises for teaching assistants, 2.75 precent raises for bus drivers, and 2 percent raises for all other employees. Other additional costs for the coming school year include: increased insurance costs, additional security staff, and a multilingual learner teacher.

“I want to thank our board for passing a fiscally responsible budget with no tax increase, while at the same time prioritizing the classroom,” said Superintendent Brenda Kelley, who marks her one year anniversary in the position this week.

Dist. 5, with 1,269 students, is the county’s larger school district. Their overall budget includes an increase of 3.69 from the previous year, which is below the state’s consumer price index of 4.12 percent.


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