Council Moves Forward on Roads Referendum

Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer

Anderson County Council moved forward on a referendum to fund county roads on Tuesday, passing on second reading an ordinance to include the measure on the ballot in November 2024.

Voters will be asked to fund road repair and maintenance with a penny sales tax, which would generate enough revenue over time for the county to catch on fixing roads. With more than 1,500 miles of county-owned roads, no serious efforts have been made in decades to properly fund road repair/maintenance, which has created a crisis across the county keeping roads safe and navigable. 

If approved the measure would provide more than $35 million annually, which would be limited to use on roads and not auxiliary costs or salaries. One study suggested that at least 40 percent of the funds would come from those who visit or pass through Anderson County but do not live here. 

The text of the potential referendum will be ready before the third reading on the ordinance, which is expected in January.

Anderson County Council Vice Chairman Brett Sanders recapped Tuesday’s meeting for the Anderson Observer.


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