Council to Look at RV Park Recommendations Tuesday

Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer

Anderson County Council will Council will discuss recommendations from the Planning and Public Works Committee on a potential RV park ordinance, revisions to stormwater maintenance requirement and a possible tree ordinance at the meeting Tuesday at 6:30 o.m. in the historic courtshouse.

The Anderson County will also honor the unified EMS system and it’s director Steve Kelly for recently being chosen top system in the state.

A roads paving report is also included for Tuesday’s meeting, with district paving reports part of the full agenda packet.

Council will also discuss recommendations from the Planning and Public Works Committee on a potential RV park ordinance, revisions to stormwater maintenance requirement and a possible tree ordinance at the meeting

The earlier presentations meeting at 6 p.m. is scheduled to hoor Anna Marie Brock for her 45 years of service to Anderson County.


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