County Launches "Clean Anderson" Campaign to Fight Litter

Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer

Anderson County Council is launching a new countywide effort to combat litter.

“Clean Anderson” is the new home for the latest new on cleanup events, recycling and other information and education on how the community can join the fight against litter.

The council litter committee met Monday to discuss strategies, clarify litter laws and hear from concerned citizens concerning the issue.

The Anderson County Solid Waste Department has already put a bite on trash with its efforts including regular cleanup events, providing materials for those interested in cleaning up roadside litter and through their Adopt-A-Spot program, which currently has 89 local community organizations, churches, schools and neighborhoods making a difference by adopting a spot to keep Anderson County litter free.

The department is also working with the South Carolina Department of Transportation to clean up 110 miles of state roads in the county each month in high-traffic areas.

“We want to focus on what we can do to fight litter in Anderson County right now,” said Councilman John Wright, Jr., chairman of the county council litter committee. Wright said designating one day per month as a community litter pick-up day is among the new initiatives being considered.

Wright also said the one-stop website, Clean Anderson, will offer the most timely information as well as how individuals and groups can get involved.


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