County Oks Park Rules Changes, Approves New Opioid Settlement

Greg Wilson/Anderson County

Anderson County Council on Tuesday approved, on first reading, a series of changes to public park regulations. Some of the changes were based on requests by the Sheriff’s Department to clarify the details of laws for the parks. Details here.

Also on Tuesday night, council approved the litter committee moves to launch the new Clean Anderson anti-litter campaign. Details here.

Council also approved the acceptance of $5.5 million in opioid settlement money from a variety of pharmacies including Walgreen’s. The funds will be received slowly between now and 2038. In 2021, Anderson County received just over $190,000 as part of the settlement money given to South Carolina. The funds will be used for helping stem addiction as well as providing funding for the drug court.

Anderson County Council Vice Chairman Brett Sanders recapped the meeting for the Anderson Observer.


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