County, State Officials Take Part in Litter Cleanup

Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer

Some of Anderson County’s top officials were on hand Saturday morning to pick up roadside litter as part of the kickoff of The Great Anderson County Cleanup. Administrator Rusty Burns, County Council Chairman Tommy Dunn, County Council Vice Chairman Brett Sanders and S.C. Rep. Don Chapman, R-Dist. 8 put on the vests and hit the streets to participate in the cleanup.

The cleanup continues throughout April, and volunteers can pick up safety vests, gloves, grabbers and trash bags to help clean up the county during the month, or really any other time as well..

For more information about efforts to reduce litter, email sbporter@andersoncountysc or call 864-260-1001.

To report litter concerns in your area, contact litter control Sgt. Sandy Hayes 864 260-1001, or Donald Cliff 864-260-1001 to increase areas for patrolling and/or to report any litter problems.


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