County to Crackdown on Illegal Signage

Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer

The Anderson County is beginning a crackdown on illegal signage that encroaches upon any right of way of a street, road, or highway. In recent weeks, approximately 500 signs were collected from the rights-of-way in Anderson County by the enforcement officers.

The removal of signage will also include signs painted on or attached to trees, rocks, natural features, telephone or utility poles, street signs or poles for stoplights. 

The purpose enforcement of the laws on temporary signs include:

1.        Protecting public safety and welfare to ensure the maintenance of an attractive community.

2.        Minimizing the distractions and obstructions of traffic hazards that endanger public safety.

3.        Preventing signs from visual cluttering at intersections.

4.        Protecting Economic Development which is a vital part of industrial recruitment for Anderson County.

5.        Protecting existing businesses and developments.

6.        Complimenting the character of the county, while attempting to meet the needs of sign users for adequate identification, communication, and advertising. 

Temporary signs require a permit and must be placed on private property along with a letter of approval from the property owner. Anderson County Code of Ordinance Section 38-255: “A security deposit shall be required for each permit for temporary signs. Deposit shall be returned to the permit holder provided the sign has been removed after the expiration of the thirty-day period or the deposit will be forfeit.”

A minimum setback required of five feet from any defined right-of-way or property line or 15 feet from edge of pavement if there is not a defined right-of-way. Applicants for signs are responsible for contacting the South Carolina Department of Transportation at 864-260-2215 for right-of-way information on all state roads, or the Anderson County Roads Department at 864-260-4190 for right-of-way information on all county roads.

A decal good for 30 days will be issued after fees are collected and applications are approved. It is the responsibility of the applicant to remove sign before the end of the 30 days.

All non-permitted signs will be removed.

Greg Wilson