County to Take Lead in Developing Pelzer Mill Property

Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer

Anderson County has been asked to chart the course for the future the property along the Saluda River that was home to the historic Pelzer Mills.

Administrator Rusty Burns said Pelzer Heritage Commission requested the county take responsibility for the property. The PHC will still be involved in the planning as an advisory body.

“We will be responsible for it and can access funding not available to them,” said Burns, who added the county has already directed between $3-4 million for use on the property.

Burns said the county has already met with Pelzer Mayor Will Ragland and other leaders about the direction for development of the 72-acres that housed the mill.

“They have a lot of very valuable land on the Saluda River that we would like to make sure is developed appropriately to compliment the rest of Anderson County,” said Burns.

County Council is expected to be asked to formally approve the move in February.


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