County to Update Parks Rules as Part of Tuesday Meeting

Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer

Anderson County Council will vote on a series of measures aimed at keeping the county’s parks safe and more pleasant at Tuesday’s 6:30 p.m. meeting in the historic courthouse.

Council will consider defining a park enforcement officer as any law enforcement officer, any park official, or any designee of the county parks, recreation, and tourism director.

Council will also outline potential prohibited activities/uses of county parks to include:

·      Destroying, defacing, disturbing, disfiguring, or removing any part of any building, sign, structure, or equipment.

·      Killing, harming, or harassing any mammal, bird, reptile, or amphibian.

·      Hunting.

·      Destroying, cutting, breaking, removing, defacing, mutilating, injuring, taking or gathering any tree, shrub, other plant or plant part, rock, mineral, or geological feature except by permit issued by the county.

·      Building any fire in any place other than those specifically designated for such a purpose. (6) Disposing of litter, garbage, or other refuse in places or receptacles other than those specifically provided for such purpose.

·      Possession of any firearm, air gun, explosive, or firework except by duly authorized park personnel, law enforcement officers, or persons using areas specifically designated by the county for use of firearms, air guns, fireworks, or explosives.

·      Operating vehicles in a reckless manner, or in excess of posted speed limits, or in areas other than those specifically intended for vehicular traffic. A violation of the following provisions shall constitute the unlawful operating of vehicles: a. Motorbikes, minibikes, mopeds, motorcycles, motor scooters, go-carts and any other type motorized vehicle shall not be driven in any area or on any trail not intended for their use.

·      Acting in a disorderly manner or creating any noise which would result in annoyance to others. Acting in a disorderly manner shall include inciting or participating in riots, or indulging in boisterous, abusive, threatening, indecent, or disorderly conduct. Entering or remaining within the limits of the park or facility while in an intoxicated or drugged condition.

·      Operating or using audio device, including radio, television, musical instruments, or any other noise producing devices, such as electrical generators, and equipment driven by motor engines, in such a manner and at such times as to disturb other persons and no person shall operate or use any public address system, whether fixed, portable, or vehicle mounted, except when such use or operation has been approved by the county.

·      Engaging in or soliciting business within a park or facility except where authorized by the county and no person shall distribute, post, place, or erect any bills, notices, paper, or advertising device, or matter of any kind without consent of the county. (

·      Bringing a dog or any other animal into the park or facility unless it is crated, caged, or upon a leash or otherwise under physically restrictive control at all times. For this purpose: a. No person shall keep in the park or retain in the park a noisy, vicious, or dangerous dog or animal, or one that is disturbing to other persons after he has been asked by an Enforcement Officer to remove such animal. b. No person shall bring saddle, pack, or draft animals into a site that has not been developed to accommodate them.

At the 6 p.m. honors meeting, council will recognize Rick Owings for his lifetime service to Anderson County.

Full agenda here.


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