Local Doctors' Group Donates Blankets to Those in Need

Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer

The American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin, led by local efforts of Dr. Damodar Narella and Dr. Rajeev Malik raised funds to purchase blankets for the needy in Anderson County. Half of these have been distributed through the local churches, and the rest will be distributed under the efforts of Angie Stringer, director of the Cancer Association of Anderson and Anderson County Administrator Rusty Burns. 

Founded in 1982, the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin represents a more than 80,000 practicing physicians in the United States. It serves as a platform for more than 40,000 medical students, residents and fellows of Indian origin in the United States. One in  every seven people in the U.S. is touched by the care of a physician of Indian origin at any given time.

AAPI also has a Charitable Foundation (AAPI-CF) that spearheads free clinics and health fairs in India. Currently seven such clinics are being actively run in various states of India under the AAPI flagship. In the U.S., charitable efforts at local community are encouraged by AAPI. Besides financial grants, gifts, in-kind, as well as community service efforts (each state chapter and the local subchapter to decide the needs), and organizing CPR education


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