Sanders to Seek S.C. House Dist. 9 Seat

Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer

West Pelzer Mayor Blake Sanders announced Thursday that he will run for the South Carolina House Dist. 9 seat in 2024. The seat will be up for grabs next year after the Wednesday announcement by S.C. Rep. Anne Thayer, who has held the seat since 2011, that she will step down at the end of her current term of office.

Sanders said cooperative efforts aimed at infrastructure and support for small businesses are among his top priorities for the state.

“I would focus first and foremost on infrastructure,” said Sanders. “I want to make sure Anderson County is receiving its fair share and that those funds are being used appropriately for development that fits individual communities.” 

Sanders defined infrastructure as everything related to planning and development, including water, sewer, gas, power, roads and monitoring school populations.

“The main thing is to make sure we are following the plans of the county and the cities and towns in the district,” said Sanders.

He pointed to his success in West Pelzer, which was a town with very little activity – including both business and residential occupancy - when he took over as mayor in 2016. Today the town boasts 100 percent residential occupancy and a thriving business corridor.

“Attracting jobs and supporting small businesses is what we have done in West Pelzer,” said Sanders, adding that cooperative effort with the county is key to such work.

He said Anderson County’s economic development office is the “home run hitter,” which allows the smaller cities and towns in the county to “hit singles” by focusing on small businesses.

Sanders is owner of a small business himself, Studio Main, a landscape architecture firm which has worked with towns across the state and nation to design spaces meant for community expression and enjoyment, including downtown development, urban design, streetscapes, landscape architecture, campuses, parks/recreation trails, and master planning.

He also serves as a lecturer in the School of Architecture at Clemson University. Other previous experience includes serving as Planning and Projects Manager for the City of Easley.

In his announcement of social media Thursday, Sanders wrote:

The Sanders Conservative Common Sense Plan will:

  1. Fix Our Infrastructure – Address Unchecked Growth

  2. Cut Wasteful Government Spending – Return Dollars to Taxpayers

  3. Protect Conservative Family Values – Defend the Unborn and our 2nd Amendment Rights

  4. Attract Jobs & Small Businesses – Focus on Families First

  5. Invest in High-Quality Education – Create a Parental Bill of Rights

“South Carolina faces numerous challenges. I believe we need leaders willing to put principles over politics. I believe we need leaders who recognize what government should be doing and not be doing. I believe we need leaders who understand the connecting power of infrastructure in our lives.

I believe we need leaders who won't cast aside their conservative beliefs when it comes to protecting every life or fighting for the 2nd Amendment.

Quite simply, we need a government comprised of strong leaders that can walk and chew gum at the same time. South Carolina is blessed with hard-working, God-fearing people. It's time to get to work.

As a father and husband, I feel called to do more. That is why I have decided to run for the Republican nomination for SC House of Representatives in District 9. Rep. Anne Thayer was a strong voice and advocate for Anderson County, and we are incredibly grateful for her service. My family and I are praying for Rep. Thayer as she enters her next chapter.

Folks, I'm excited about the opportunity to speak with friends and neighbors about this campaign and look forward to sharing more in the coming weeks and months. First, please pray for Ashley and me as we embark on this journey. Second, please go and like @voteblakesanders on social media and bookmark


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