Anderson Bridge Repair Tops New SCDOT List

Greg Wilson/Anderson Observer

An Anderson County bridge has topped the new list of structures in need of repair in the new, expanded list of bridge projects by the South Carolina Department of Transportation.

The state added 120 bridges to the repair list, to be funded by $200 million in the state budget slated for bridge projects. The bridge at S.C. 412 Trib Big Generostee Cr, joins three other Anderson County bridges on the new list: S.C. 81 Saluda River & S-4-143, S.C. 413 Rocky River and S.C. 413 Jordan Creek on the new list.

The new funds were added to the $240 million already in the budget for bridge repairs. SCDOT is counting on another $800 million for the projects over the next five years. Roughly 2,500 of the state’s 8,500 bridges are more than half a century old and in need of overhaul or repair.


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